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Hello readers. First of all I want to thank you for deciding to click and read this story. I once published stories on quotive, than I left the site because of personal reasons and lost the urge to write anything again. I'm finally starting to get the urge back, and I'll try to update as often as I can but life might cause issues. That's my bad luck at work. :( Anyways, on with the first chapter. Btw, I'm open to constructive criticism but keep it polite in the comments. I'm not one to deal with bullshit and if I see anything abusive I will take it down without a second though.




Simple easy words to describe the small, run down village that was barely still standing. Houses were corroded by age and battle damage from Grimm.

Yet, Qrow Branwen was still there on orders from professor Ozpin. According to reports, there was a strangely high presence of Grimm in the area. But the town had been abandoned for years, ever since the townspeople were killed by a Grimm swarm. Everywhere Qrow looked, he saw the remains of bloody battles. Some were simple blood stains on buildings, though there were still some skeletons stretched around the area. Remains of fallen warriors.

Qrow: "You couldn't have had me go somewhere more cheerful, now could you Oz?" He grumbled to himself as he took a swig from his flask. "What was he expecting me to find here anyways? I should be back with Raven and Tai to see if the baby came yet."

Suddenly, Qrow was pulled from thought as he heard a piercing noise that made him freeze mid step. A baby, crying out to the world. Qrow pulled out his sword and sprinted towards the noise. The Grimm would be attracted to the child, and he be damned to let a defenceless kid die so young.

As Qrow sprinted towards the centre of town, his heart grew cold seeing all the Beowolves creeping towards the area. They were crawling on roofs, out of holes in the streets, and even out of buildings. All of them focused on one thing. A little baby, bundles up in a dark blue blanket, laying on a small concrete pedestal that had the remains of a broken statue. The child still wailed out into the night, not realizing the threats that were coming for it. There must have been over twenty Beowolves, all of them stalking towards the innocent child, attracted to the distress the baby was giving off. Qrow clenched his teeth, bracing his footing before yelling at the top of his lungs.

Qrow: "Get away you bastards!" He yelled. The Beowolves all turned towards Qrow and snarled, recognizing the threat while some went back to going for the baby. Qrow sprinted down the street, cutting through the waves of Grimm that stood between him from the baby. Thrusting, slicing, Qrow made quick work of the Grimm on the streets. He didn't give any a chance to attack, moving so fast between targets that he was a blur. A Beowolf attempted to lunge at him from the roof, but Qrow saw it coming. He swiftly jumped up to meet it mid-air, stabbing it right in the middle of its chest. Then, he kicked off the Grimm and used his momentum to fly over and land in front of the child. Scooping the baby into his arm, he held it close to his chest as he sprinted away from the town centre to the exit of the town. The Grimm started to give chase, however thanks to Qrow's natural speed as well as firing his shotgun sword behind him, killing Grimm and propelling him forward, he made distance from the town and lost the Grimm.

Time skip of Chibi Qrow sprinting away from Grimm while holding the baby out at arms length.

Qrow finally came to a stop in some woods and checked his surroundings before sheathing his weapon and closely examined the baby. The child was a boy, with a small patch of jet black hair and grey eyes. The baby had stopped crying and was now staring up at Qrow, as if the two were studying each other.

Qrow: "Well kid, I gotta admit. You are extremely lucky to have met me." He said sensing the extreme irony of himself saying that. Just then, his scroll starting ringing. Qrow quickly pulled out his scroll and answered it while holding the child in his arm.

Ozpin: "Qrow? Is everything alright? What did you find in the village?" Qrow just chuckled a bit before answering.

Qrow: "Not what. Who. I found a baby in the middle of the town. I think he was attracting the large amount of Grimm."

Ozpin: "A baby?! Abandoned? How is he?"
Qrow took a second to look at the baby in his arm.

Qrow: "Looks surprisingly healthy. Not underweight and has finally calmed down." The baby looked up at him and started making little cooing sounds as he took a small handful of Qrow's shirt. Qrow smiled at the kid. "Oz, what should I do? I could drop him off somewhere, or bring him to Beacon."

Ozpin: "Why not take him to Taiyang's? From what I heard they will have a child of their own. Or you could adopt him." Qrow kept staring at the child, then widened his eyes in shock. The baby started laughing, and his eyes changed from grey to green!

Qrow: "Oz, the kid's eyes just changed colour! Wait... me adopt?! Oz you know that's not a good idea!" The baby suddenly reached out and touched Qrow's cheek. Immediately, Qrow felt a sudden warmth and joy spread through his body causing him to start smiling. Smiling more than he ever has while sober in a long time. The baby's green eyes kept looking at him before he yawned, his eyes turning grey again and falling asleep.

Ozpin: "Qrow? Qrow are you there?" Qrow kept smiling and in his heart he made a decision that would change his life for the better.

Qrow: "I'll do it."


Alright, first chapter done! Well. Technically a prologue but you know what I mean! Please let me know what you think and if you have any questions let me know! Btw, I plan on adding some romance for the character. Just haven't decided on when but I know who it's with. 😉

Have a great day and until next time...

*two fingered salute*


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