part 15

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a few hours later soph let me wear her most tightest dress ever, "you look hot" she ranks my body up and down

i roll my eyes, "i kinda don't want to go out again" i admit

"you're so annoying let's go" she pulls my arm out the dorm


she parks her car in front of a mansion, a literal mansion. "soph are we a-"

"let's go" she gets out the car and i do the same

the place is packed with strangers, crazy to thing that classes start in 2 days and everyone's out partying, i'm not one to talk.

soph holds my wrist as we make our way through people, we make it into the kitchen and she hands me a red cup

"i cant" i tell her

"why?" she scrunches up her nose

"because i woke up with the worst headache" i look in the cup then at her

"who cares, tonight's a night to remember" she smirks and chugs down the liquid

she looks at me and puts her cup down, "want to go outside?" she smiles

"yes, it's really humid in here" i tell her

we walk outside and the weather feels really refreshing considering i was just outside like a few minutes ago

soph grabs my wrist and pulls me again, she runs towards a table and when i look around the table all her friends are sitting by it with a red cup in there hands

"hey kels" penny i think her name was says to me

"hi" i smile at her and she looks at the cup in my hand then at my face, studying my every move

"sit" she pulls the chair out next to her and i sit down, soph said she's going back inside to get something

"so how are you?" penny smiles at me

"i'm good" i press my lips together, this is getting awkward really fast

"is joey around?" she ask me

"i don't know, i think he's with lily" i tell her and she nods

"the girl with blonde hair right?" she looks around the crowd

"yea" i look inside my cup

"are they dating or something?" her eyes are glued to something and when i turn around i see joey and lily together on a chair making out

"i don't know" i look at her and she shakes her head

"would you ever get with him?" she sighs


"you shouldn't because we're friends and it's girl code" she says before i could finish my sentence

"uh yea" i look at her outfit, she's came literally naked

"do you still like him?" i ask her and she nods

"yes i do, there is something about him that i just love so much" she takes a sip at whatever is in her cup

"have you ever been in love?" her eyes are still glued on them

"no actually, i thought i was with my first boyfriend in 7th grade but it wasn't really lo-" i stop talking when i notice she isn't paying attention

she sips her cup again while watching them

"how did you guys end stuff?" i ask her

she puts her cup down and looks at me, "he cheated on me three times and i still took him back. he ended up breaking up with me but he still hits me up it doesn't make any sense"

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