part 84

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trying my best to finish this book as soon as possible

the house is finally covered in christmas decorations. my dad would be so proud

"so i'm guessing you'll be throwing the christmas party" ellie smiles

i open the bottle of beer in my hand and laugh, "i always do"

"so do you live alone?" christina ask looking around the house

"no i live with my dad. he's out of state for now so i'm alone for the holidays" i frown

my eyes dart to the front door opening. gianna and joey walk inside, joeys hair a mess and giannas shirt on backwards

lily's eyes widen when she sees them together. gianna is quick to sit next to us as joey walks to jacob and them

"please tell me you didn't just do it with joey" christina's mouth drops

gianna bites her bottom lip and nods

are you kidding me? in my garage! that is disgusting but what did i expect. it's joey, he'll do it anywhere, plus with what jacob and lily told me he seems careless

"shh he's coming this way" lily says

we keep our heads down as we hear joeys footsteps coming towards us. a sudden stop and we all look up, all their eyes on me

i turn my head and see joey standing next to me, "where's the beer?"

"in the kitchen" i answer

"there isn't any left. you have anymore?" he ask

well i mean since you were in the garage for 2 hours you should've found some, right?

i stand from the table and make my way to the garage as joey follows behind me. this is gross

just the thought of him doing it with someone else in my house, my house. can that be any more disrespectful

i open the garage door and walk down the stairs. i walk to the fridge opening it and looking for the new stack of beer one of jacobs friend brought

i take a few out and give him one. he takes it from my hand, popping it open and dropping the cap on the floor

i stare at him waiting for him to pick it up, "thanks" he says before walking back to the door

i sigh and bend down to pick up the cap making one of the beer bottles drop in the floor shattering on the ground

joey shoots his head towards me. i take a deep breath and put the rest of the bottles on the floor

i heard the door shut and when i look up joey is gone


i move all the broken pieces into a pile making my fingers bleed

i hear shouting coming from the house and i stand from the ground to see what's happening

"get out!" i hear

i walk into the living room to see jaden. this can't be happening, please wake me up from this nightmare

"kels" he tries walking towards me but jacob stops him

"you better get out before i beat you up-" jacob threatens him

"jacob" i interrupt

jacob looks at me and gives me the 'what are you doing?' look

i lower my eyes at jacob and he lets go of jaden

jaden follows me into the garage and notices the broken glass on the floor, "what happened"

i sigh and throw away the broken pieces, "nothing, what are you doing here?" i ask

"i-i just wanted to talk to you. i feel like we never really got closure"

a laugh escapes my mouth, "closure? it's over jaden we don't need closure"

"i know it's over but i miss you and emily and i broke up-" he pauses

i press my lips together and nod

"i know you and joey are together-"

"we aren't" i interrupt him and he furrows his brows

"you guys aren't together?" he questions

"if we were do you think he would let you talk to me right now?" i sigh

jaden runs his hand through his hair then sits down on a chair and looks up at me, "i-i didn't know"

"what are you doing here jaden"

seeing him breaks my heart. my heart starts racing and i cant help but wanna hug him. after everything he's done to me i just can't ever hate him

i don't know what it is. it's like i want jaden but joeys the one for me. it's my fault joey and i aren't together right now

he's changed into a careless boy and it's all my fault. joey lost his temper and i know even i couldn't handle that but jadens always been the same


yes i'm comparing them even though i shouldn't because i'm not planning on getting in a relationship any time soon

"i just wanted to check up on you" he answers my question

"you could've called" there was no reason to show up unexpectedly, he wants something

"i got a new phone and lost all my contacts. if you want me to leave i will" he stands from the chair

"it isn't a good time right now" i say, "joeys here too and i don't think he'd be happy with you being here"

"why? you said you guys aren't together anymore"

"jaden, please" i don't want to see him at all right now, and the butterflies in my stomach aren't much of a help either

"okay okay, can i at least get your number so we can catch up?" he grabs his phone out his pocket

i take it from him and put my number in his phone, "here"

"thanks kels" he turns his phone off

an awkward silence falls and he clears his throat, "i'm just gonna go"

"yea" i follow him out the garage, "wait"

he stops in his tracks and turns around, "i think you should leave from the garage door"

"you're right" he chuckles

i open the door for him and he smiles, "bye kels"

"bye" i say and shut the door


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