part 43

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updating this bc i'm impatient
300 votes for a new chapter CANT WAIT TO SEE YALLS REACTION AT THE END

i open the fridge and take the note from the fridge my dad left, 'cynthia and i went out for a few! we'll be back!'

i throw the note in the trash and take out some waffles. i love cynthia but i was hoping my dad would have some time with me

i take out the syrup and wait for the waffles to heat up. i also take out a plate and look at the toaster

i take out the waffle and put it on my plate and walk to the kitchen table. i sit down and stab my fork in the waffle, i wish they were joeys eyes.

the innocency in his eyes when he tried to talk to me is killing me right now and i'm wondering what he had to say now.

i'm glad i didn't hear him though because i know how hurt i would be right now. he'd probably just tell me what that stupid journal said, used me because that was his goal

he was my first love i'll admit. i don't know why i fell for him but i did. i would always stay up in the dorm alone because i was so worried about him, when he would just be out with other girls

i know i'm capable of finding love again, i mean look at my dad. he found his other half. my mom and him weren't meant to be and that's okay.

my dad is someone i looked up too for so long and i really hope that this is a sign that joey isn't the one.

i finish my waffle and put my plate in the sink. the house is perfectly clean, i guess my dad paid some lady to clean it up.

i grab my keys and walk out to my car. it doesn't feel like it's my car yet. i climb inside and turn it on. the engines turn on and i smile

i've only had a car once and crashed in, i haven't had a car in 2 years because my dad thought i wasn't ready to get one after my first car

i back out the driveway and decided i'm going to the mall to get some clothes. i feel like i've ran out or lost all mine.

i give my car to valet and he gives me a smile
when i give him the key, "good morning" he says

"good morning" i reply and walk away

i hope i don't see any of my high school friends because that would be so embarrassing since i went m.i.a on them

i have nothing to wear for jacobs game tonight, i know i'll see some of my old friends there but i just don't feel like talking to any of them

they'll ask me how my college is going, ask for my number, what college i'm going too, what i'm studying, and why i'm back

i've already answered enough of these last night and don't feel like repeating myself all over again

i pick a pair of shorts and a top from forever 21, i tried them on and payed from them. i get myself a ice cream before walking back to the car

i tell the valet to bring me the car back

"kelsey?" i hear


i turn around and see lily. wait what.
i turn back around until i felt her hand rest on my shoulder

"hey!" she smiles

"oh hey i didn't even see you!" i smile back at her and she laughs, "what are you doing back?"

"i came to see my parents" she tells me

"alone?" i ask

she furrows her brows "yea, joey didn't want to come with me"

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