part 98

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i woke up in a familiar room, i've been in here before. i slowly sit up and notice i'm back in joeys room

the door opens and he's holding a bottle of water in his hands. he raises his eyebrows when he sees im awake

"w-what am i doing here?" i pull the blanket off me

i was just at the hospital, i was seeing my dad until lily came up to me and told me the news. i stand from the bed and walk to the mirror

i have a bandage on my arm and bruises all over my legs. i turn around and look at joey, "i need to go"

i'm dressed in his shirt and shorts, meaning he changed me out my clothes last night again. i pick my clothes up from the floor and make my way to his room door but he stops me


"the hospital?" what a dumb question

he stands in front of his room door, i furrow my brows. does he not understand that my father is important and that i have to go?

"can you please move?" i ask

he looks at me and gulps, he slowly moves to the side and i open the door, walking down the hallway to his front door, stepping over the broken chairs and tables

"wait kels" he says behind me, i stop and turn around

"what?" i sigh

"you can't go" he says

i furrow my brows, "you're going to stop me from seeing my dad?"

"you fainted yesterday, you haven't ate either. you can't go to the hospital right now. they told me to keep you rested for now"

"rested? my dad is dead! i have to see him" i turn around and continue to walk until i feel a hand grasp my arm and pull me against the wall

"what the hell are you doing?" i scoff

"i can't let you go"

"joey? this is my fucking father. you have to let me... why the fuck am i even asking for your permission" i try walking away but his grip was hard

"you're hurting me joey" i look at his hand squeezing my elbow

he quickly lets go and looks in my eyes, "oh i- i'm sorry i didn't even notice"

"it's fine" i just need to leave his house and visit the hospital so i can get more information on my dad

we both just stare at each other like we're waiting for one of us to do something. i gulp and quickly run away but feel myself getting pulled back

"joey!" i shout

"you can't go, cynthia told me to keep you here" he wraps his arms around my waist as i try to escape

"let me go!" i push his arms off me but fail

i drop my clothes on the floor and turn around to face him, "don't do this"

he slowly turns me around till my back hits the wall. his grip around me is still strong in case i try to run off again

i don't get why cynthia wants me to stay? i don't need rest, i need to see my dad

tears slowly start falling down my cheek, joey lifts his hand and wipes them away, "i know it's hard" he says

i shake my head, "he was the only person i had joey"

he keeps his hand on my jaw and quickly wipes any tears that fall down my face. he keeps his eyes on me the entire time while i look down and ignore eye contact

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