part 52

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if you haven't, i updated GAME, make sure to read it!!!!

i get out the car and start walking to who knows where because i have no idea where the hell he is

i take my phone out and think about calling him but don't. i shut it off and think of where he could be going and then b i n g o

he's clearly in the offices getting classes for next week. but why'd he take a car when it's just 2 blocks away

i decide to just walk over there. i keep my head down and arms crossed. i haven't been here in a month and feel like everyone's judging me


i turn around and see jake running towards me, "hey!" he smiles

"wow jake hey" i smile back and he gives me a hug, i hug him back. he smells so good

"how have you been? i heard you're leaving" he frowns

"um.. yea i am... closer to home you know?"

"what! the whole point of college is to be farther from home" he jokes

i laugh, "yup"

"it was nice seeing you around" he rubs my shoulder

"yea you too" i tell him and he kisses my cheek before walking back to his friends

i turn back around and continue walking to the office.

i totally forgot about jake. he was so good to me. i wish i never dated him, he is a good person but i shouldn't have

i hope i didn't hurt him when i went back to joey all those times

speaking of jake i haven't heard of jaden in a while. gosh he was such a great guy as well.

i wish i met him earlier, we could've done so many things together, only as friends of course.

i should visit him one day in Arizona. i miss him kinda.

i see the tables outside and the office a few feet away, people are all sitting down with friends eating

some already studying and coming and going out the office. i open the front door and walk inside

i look around and walk down the hallway, i look through offices and rooms to find him but can't

i go up the stairs and open each room there is and apologize to everyone who was in there that wasn't him

it's kinda embarrassing but i'm not going to see these people ever again.

my hearts kinda beating in excitement, or maybe i'm just nervous because i don't know what to say to him yet

i grab my phone out my pocket and decide to just call him but when i look him i see him at the end of the hallway going downstairs with his sister

i push through people in front of me to get downstairs, i see him leave the office and i try to catch up to him

people yell stuff at me when i push through them but i couldn't care any less

i just need to see him before i lose him

when i get out the office i lose him again. only thing i see is people on the tables eating and studying, again.

i sigh and look around, how did he just disappear so fast?

i sit down at one of the tables and look at all the different people walking inside the office

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