part 90

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Part 90! 6 more chapters left (i think)
And we're so close to 1Million reads! Thank you😭
Read authors note at the end! SUPER IMPORTANT

i sit down on the couch at jacobs house. he has most of his family over that ive met so many times when i was a child

they asked about 50 times if jacob and i are dating even though i tell them he's like my brother

they just give us a smirk and walk away

i check my phone about every 10 minutes and hope to see joeys contact name show up. except i'm just seeing the same wallpaper that i'm getting sick of now

jacob sits down next to me with a plate of cookies in his hand, "still thinking about him?"

"no" i shut my phone off, "i'm just waiting for my dad to call me" i lie

jacob knows i'm lying, he was always good at figuring me out, "it's christmas kels. just forget about him for one day"

i bite my bottom lip, "i know, i should but i feel stupid-"

"you're not stupid" he interrupts me, "he always does this and you're always upset with him. and i don't mean to be rude but it's your fault that this is happening. you let him go first"

i know it's my fault. it's always my fault that joeys mad at me, "maybe i should check up on him?"

"are you kidding?" he scoffs, "you're staying here with us, i won't let you leave"

"what if his phone di-"

"kels, just stop it okay, please" he sighs

"okay, i'm sorry" i do need to stop talking about joey. it's christmas and i know my dad wouldn't even want me to think about him

"gosh kels i missed you" he blurts and i look up at him

"me too joey" i giggle

we hear the door slam shut, delilah and carly went back inside i'm assuming

i turn back to joey and he licks his lips, he's still holding my arms. before i could ever process anything he smashes his lips on mine

we both lean in, he holds my face as i pull his sweater. it's been almost 2 years and i've missed this too much

it feels great, and the butterflies in my stomach come back to life and i swear i feel like i could fly for a second

he holds my face so perfectly in his hands and kisses me so perfectly

his lips are so soft and perfect, his tongue travels it's way into my mouth and starts kissing me the way he use to always

and i let him

it's so wrong of me but i like it and i don't want it to end, and i can tell he doesn't want it to end either

i take a deep breath trying to shake that image away. i'm not suppose to think about him anymore

"hi darling" jacobs grandma sits down next to me

"hi" i smile at her

"you are very beautiful, jacob look at her, isn't she?" his grandma raises her brow at him and jacob sighs

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