part 66

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i run out the garage and slow down when i see my dad staring at me

i quickly pass by him and open the front door, jaden was already standing at the door. his brows were furrowed when he looks at me

"who's car is that?" he ask

"i- my aunts" i lie to him

he closes his umbrella and puts it down, "can i come in?"


"what?" he raises his brow

"you can't come in, not today jaden. we're busy i'm sorry" i tell him

"you have guest over and i can't come in?" he scoffs, he steps inside and i push him back

his eyes widen and he stares at me, "kels"

why doesn't he understand that i don't want him here right now

his eyes move from me and focus on whatever was behind me, i see the anger in his face and that's when i knew exactly what he's staring at

i turn around and see joey and delilah playing on the couch, i look back at jaden and his chest starts going up and down

"jaden" i furrow my brows

he pushes my aside and i grab his arm and pull him from going inside any further where people can see him

i push him back outside and he grabs his umbrella and starts walking to his car

i sigh and go after him, "jaden!"

"what the fuck is he doing here!" he shouts at me

"s-stop yelling at me!" i frown

jadens grip around the umbrella tightens, "why are you with him. is that why you've been avoiding me?"

it's hard to focus right now, i'm freezing to death that i can't even get words out of my mouth

the rain feels never ending and i sigh, "he's just a friend"

"a friend? this man moved on from you in less than a month and is now engaged. he doesn't like you kelsey"

i bite my bottom lip and cross my arms, "i- i know and i don't care"

he takes a deep breath, "he fucking treated you like shit! he fucked girls behind you back while you cried at night. why are you so stupid! why do you still talk to him after what he's done to you?"

tears start falling down my face along with the rain, i wipe them off and jaden rolls his eyes

"he's changed"

a laugh comes out of his mouth, "changed? he's changed? you're so fucking pathetic. look at you. he doesnt change kelsey. he's been the same since he first time you met him"

"y-you don't know that! i saw him change right in front of me. i know it"

"oh baby, you only think he's changed because you wanted him too. he was with another girl last night"

"here you go again! you want me to hate all of my friends, first jacob now joey?" i've had enough of this

"you think i'm kidding? look at this. me and my friends went out to eat and we saw him and this girl" he takes out his phone

"so now youre recording him?"

"no! he just got in my video i was recording my friend, look" he gives me the phone

i take a better look and see joey and some girl at a restaurant it looks like, both eating and chatting. he had a smile on his face, he seemed to be really interested in the girl

she was blonde, she had a salad. she kept laughing at everything joey would say

jaden turns off his phone and puts it back in his pocket, "see?"

"that could be a friend"

"stop defending him!" he shouts

"stop yelling at me!" i cry

"fuck kelsey y-you are so-" he stops mid sentence

i look at him, "so what?"

"so stupid" he mutters under his breath

it begins to rain harder and i just look at jaden. he was mad but he's always mad. i look down after i feel like i'm a disappointment

"i'm sorry" i bite my lip

"it's okay" he lifts up my chin and sighs

"i-im so cold" i tell him, "i'm gonna go back inside"

"yea you should" he looks me up and down

he walks away from me and goes into his car, i run back inside my house and make sure i'm not loud enough for anyone to hesr me

i look at myself in the mirror and i am absolutely drenched


i turn around and joeys eyes are wide, "you are soaking!"

"shh, i know" i sigh

he laughs, "what did you do? jump in a puddle?"


i walk away from him and go back into my room and change


"here" joey sits down next to me on the couch, he brought me a blanket with some hot tea

"thank you" i grab the tea from him and he wraps the blanket around me

"are you alright? your eyes are red" he ask

"i'm fine" i take a sip from my tea

he puts his hand on my knee, "do you want me to bring anything else for you?"

"no, i'm fine. where were you last night?" i blurt and he furrows his brows

"i- i was just working on the wedding" he says

"oh, with who?" i ask

"my dad and emily"

i nod slowly and look away from him, is he lying to me? was the video jaden showed me actually... real?

what if jaden is right, what if joey didn't really change and i'm just forcing myself to think he's did

"why did you go outside? it's raining" he ask

"i had to get something from my car"

"your car is at starbucks..." joey reminds me

shit, "i meant my dads car"

"okay, well i should get going. it was really nice being with you today" he says

"yea it was"

he smiles and stands from the couch and so do i, he says goodbye to my dad, cynthia, and my aunt jemmy

he looks at delilah, "i saved the best for last"

he picks her up and spins her around, "goodbye my queen" he slowly puts her down and she blushes

"goodbye king" she bows her head down and we all laugh

i walk him to the front door and watch him put on his jacket

"don't come" he says

"why?" i furrow my brows

"because i don't want you to get wet" he tells me, "you're going to catch a cold kelsey"

"i'm okay with that" i shrug my shoulders and he opens his arms

i wrap my arms around him and he squeezes me, "see you later"

"later" i open the door for him and he quickly runs to his car

"he's cute" delilah says to me

"he is isnt he?" i say while watching him drive away

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