part 97

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walking down that hospital hallway made me feel things that i prayed the 10 year old me would never have to feel ever again

when the hospital air hit me in the face as i walked in i felt nauseous, like i could throw up

hospitals bothered me, people were reviving good news maybe bad, some are dying right now and some are about to start a family

i just hope that i receive good news when i see the doctor, it's all i'm asking for

my dad leaving this earth will absolutely crush every inch of me, i don't think i would be able to handle my dads death

who's going to wake me up and make fun of me for being 21 and not setting an alarm, or who's going to give me the best advice and the heartwarming smiles that i need when i wake up?

my heart thumps louder and louder as i see cynthia down the hallway with people surrounding her. the doctor is writing something on his clipboard and glances at me

he gives me a nod before walking away. cynthias screams snap me out of my thoughts

"kelsey!" she cries, everyone looks at me and i stop walking

lily runs up to me and wraps her arms around me, i don't know what to do, i don't hug her back. she cries on my shoulders, "i'm so sorry kels"

she pulls out the hug, her eyes red and puffy, "he didn't make it"

a felt a sharp pain in my heart, "w-what?"

"he wasn't wearing a seatbelt and he was thrown out the window, he lost a lot of blood and glass was all over his body. it's too late" she tells me

instant regret takes over, i feel like somewhat this is all my fault. i should've never left him, i should've stayed home with him.

my mind goes blank and the only thing i can hear is my heart beat. lily continues talking but i can't hear a word she says

my breathing goes uneven, my body starts shaking, and my heart beats 10 times per second. this can't be happening

i fall to the floor to catch my breath, it feels like all the air in my lungs is getting sucked out, my body starts to heat up but everything i touch is so cold

my eyes go dizzy and my vision gets blurry. jacob starts shouting but i don't hear a thing. i close my eyes and lay down on the floor

he grabs his arms around me and presses his hand on my forehead. the bright light in the hospital makes me shut my eyes. it feels like i'm drowning

i open my mouth to say something but can't, i don't even feel like i'm breathing. everyone starts standing around me trying to help

what's going on? i'm too weak to pick myself up or even open my mouth again.

"you won't believe what a long day i had" my dad walks into the kitchen, putting down all the grocery bags

"tell me about it" i open my computer and start looking for new shoes to buy

"first of all, they didn't have my favorite pasta, secondly i got a ticket, and worst of all i bumped into my ex" he says

i dart my eyes at him, "annabella?"

he nods his eyes in regret, "she rambled the entire time about this new guy she met and i told her i don't care"

i laugh, "of course you did"

he starts taking stuff out the bags, "then she offered to drive me home! i told her my wife is waiting in the car"

i shake my head at him, "did you get the cereal i wanted?" my eyes scan the bag as if i can see through them

he pulls out my favorite, frosted flakes

"these are disgusting kelsey" he puts it down on the table

"no they aren't" i pull it near me, kissing the tiger as if he heard what my dad said

"they taste like nothing" he sighs, taking out his favorite cereal, apple jacks

which was also my mom's favorite. he continues to buy them ever since she passed.

i start college in a few months and my dad has been buying a lot of food for me to take. lily has been constantly texting me about how excited she is that we're finally sharing a room together

"kelsey don't forget what i told you when you go to WSC" he lowers his eyes on me when i look up from my phone

"no sex with any random boys?" i cheese

"no putting your work aside for any random boys" he corrects me and my cheeks turn red from embarrassment

"and no sex with any boys" he also says

"i would never do such a thing"

my dad doesn't know that i'm a virgin. he thinks jacob and i did it before but i never denied it. plus i'm not even worried about having sex, i don't want to anyway. especially with college boys.

"you're growing up aren't ya?" he smiles

"you're getting old aren't ya?" i mimick

he gets offended, "i'm 47 kelsey, look at these" he flexes his arms, "still got muscles"

i just laugh

"but seriously, are you not going to miss me?" he frowns

"it's only 2 hours away" WSC was the closest college near me that lily and i both agreed on going

it's been our dream to share college dorms together and we finally are.

"if you ever need anything you know i'm always here for you... waiting at home"

"i know dad" i smile at him, "home is whenever i'm with you"

"good" he cheeks, "now finish your shoe shopping i got us a movie to watch"


Let me come home

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