part 82

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don't forget to read Missing 2!

i reach the bottom of stairs and rub my eyes, music is blasting giving me a headache

i try to look for the front door to go back home. it's getting late and i wanna be in my bed

people are crowding the place and i cant make my way through. i grab my head and look down

i feel like all the blood is getting drained from my head. i fall to the floor and rub my eyes again

why can't i see clearly? everything is getting blurry

"let me take you home" someone sits down next to me

i nod and hold there hand. i come back to my feet and follow the person taking me to the front door

"which wa-" he stops talking once i fall back on the floor

"shit okay" he picks me up bridal style and i feel like the world is spinning so fast

"am i dying" the words barley come out my mouth

the guy doesn't answer and i start to frighten, "i can walk"

he still doesn't say anything

"let go of me" i push his chest and he puts me down

"how many fingers am i holding up?" he ask me

"um" i gulp, "i- 13?"

he nods and walks away


joeys pov

"we should finish" jackie whispers in my ear as i take another bottle of beer from the kitchen

"how about no" i smile at her

she smirks, "oh come on birlem" she stands in front of me and puts her hand on my chest, "i didn't make you feel good"

i take a sip from the bottle and lightly grab her hand from my chest, "i don't care"

she rolls her eyes at me and walks away. i catch jacob staring at me and he looks away

i see him and elena have gotten close again. the last time i saw him was my wedding day. so much has changed since then

"hey" he stands in front of me as i glance at the people making out, "how have you been?"

i look at him then back at the couple, "what do you want"

"i can't ask a friend how they are?" jacob furrows his brows

"we aren't friends" i remind him

"you know... you became such an asshole after your wedding day"

i look in his eyes as he continues

"you were about to be a married man and now all you look at is other girls-"

"jacob!" lily runs towards us and chuckles, "sorry joey, he's drunk right now"

i look lily up and down, her mascara is running and her lipstick is smudged, "i'll take him now"

she grabs jacobs hand and pulls him away. now why did he even think it's okay to come talk to me? to make me feel back because i could not care less about what he thinks of me

"hey" a girl in white winks at me, she walks into the kitchen and i go after her


kels pov

i wake up to my head pounding and sweat covering my body. i sit up slowly and rub my eyes to adjust to the light

it feels so weird without my dad waking me up anymore. i know i'm 22 and i shouldn't rely on my dad to wake me up in the mornings but it's hard and i hate having an alarm on my phone, it hurts my ears

i get off my bed and quickly brush my teeth before walking into the kitchen to grab something to eat

my dad thankfully stacked the house with food before leaving me. i know the food will be gone within a few days

it'a december and i'm sad to be celebrating christmas alone this year. my dad always have people over for the holiday and now it'll be lonely without him

i cant believe how fast the year has gone by. i feel like it was just christmas when joey and i kissed each other

knock knock

i take my waffles out the toaster and make my way to the door, jacob stands with some chocolate in his hands, "good morning"

"good morning" i open the door wider for him to come inside

"i brought you chocolate because i thought you would crave some" jacob smiles and i giggle

"thank you" i walk back into the kitchen and he follows behind me

"do you remember anything from last night?" he ask me

"nope, not really" i grab my plate and sit at the table

"how'd you even get home. you were so drunk" he tells me

"i-i don't really remember. maybe i walked back home"

"you disappeared last night after i told you to change your shirt"

i look down at my shirt and realize i'm wearing lily's 7th grade summer camp shirt, "oh how embarrassing did i have this on at the party!"

jacob laughs, "i feel like you did"

"gosh i hope no one saw me"

"no one really cares. everyone was drunk, i woke up to 2 people in my living room that i've never seen"

"that's... weird" i take a bite from my waffle

"yea i know" he presses his lips together, "um... do you remember seeing joey?"

i roll my eyes, "yes, talking to 3 girls at once showing them his tattoos" as if i care

"after what you told me i wanted to talk to him again and he really is an asshole"

"what did you tell him?" i tilt my head to the side and he sighs

"i don't remember what i said but i remember he was being rude"

i slowly chew on my waffle. i don't want to think joey has changed into this new horrible person but from what i saw and what jacob is telling me i don't know what to believe

it's only been 7 months, "do you see him around campus?"

"no, not really i rarely see him. maybe something by the dorms but that's it"

i nod, "so what brings you here?"

"i just wanted to check up on you since your dad left. it must suck not being with him during the holidays"

"yea, my dad always goes out for christmas. i don't even know how to put a tree up. i think i'm just going to leave the house as it is" i admit

"you're not going to decorate it?" his eyes widen

"no, i can't even climb a latter jacob" the last time i climbed a latter i fell and broke my leg, it haunts me to this day

"it's a davis family tradition! you have to decorate kelsey. i'll keep you and i'll tell lily to bring some friends over"

"it's fine jacob-"

he interrupts me, "no i'm bringing some friends over. later tonight, so be ready"

"fine" i smile

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