part 51

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he starts walking towards me, his eyes glued to the book. he snatches it out of my hand and i flinch

"y-you have my journal?" he scoffs

my heart begins racing, "yea"

"did you read it" he ask, his brows furrowed and his lips slightly parted

"yes i did" i admit

he opens it and skims through the pages, "all of it?" he ask

i nod, "yea"

he gulps and i notice his fingers start shaking, he doesn't look up at me. his eyes stay on the journal

"wow" he replies

"i know how badly you didn't want me to read it but you left it at the table during our study session" i explain

"i wanted to return it to you and i accidentally read it and... yea" i breathe

"come on joey!" sophia yells from the car

please don't leave, i just want to talk to you. we can figure this all out just like you wanted too. we can work this out

"can we talk, please" i ask, biting my bottom lip in frustration

i didn't think this through at all

"does it even matter?" he finally looks up, "classes start soon, you're leaving, what's the point?"

i don't answer him because i don't know what to say. he's right.

"i got to go" he turns around and walks back to the car and opens it

soph looks at me for a little longer before getting inside the car. i watch joey get in the car as well

he backs out the driveway and drives off. i run my hand through my hair

this makes no sense... i'm so confused

he wanted to talk to me, he wanted to be with me. why did he just leave? again

i cross my arms and walk to my car, i get inside and slam the door shut. this is not fair at all

just a few hours ago he wanted to talk to me but suddenly got embarrassed when he saw i had the journal?

what if he was going to tell you something else

what else was he going to tell me? maybe something completely different then what was written in the journal

i grab my phone and dial my dads number and after a few rings he answer

"hey kiddo, everything alright?"

"no dad nothing is alright, i should've listened to you" i sigh

"what's wrong, what happened" it sounds like he was doing something before he answered my call

"i saw joey and he wanted to talk to me but i didn't let him and a few hours later i see him again and he saw me with the journal" i pause and wait for him to interrupt me but he didn't so i continue "he got... upset? he just took it out of my hands and walked away. i even asked him if we can talk about it and all he said was that there is no point"

"i'm not good at this anymore but you have 2 options right now. option 1 is that you get your stuff and come back home and option 2 is you go find him right now and show him that there is a point. if you know you love him go after him. he loves you. don't give up kelsey" my dad tells me

i think for a little and process everything my dad just told me. i look out my window and wipe the tear that fell from my eye

"which option?" my dad ask

"2" i end the call


sorry for the short chapter
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