part 87

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i look at jacob after ending the call on joey, "i need to go"


"joey said he needs me, he-he could be in danger" i stand from the table, "i'll be back"

"kels" jacob stands from the table as well, "don't"

"don't what?"

"don't go"

i furrow my brows, "why not?"

he sighs, "don't get offended but he seems like he's over you... why would he need you all the sudden?"

"he called me and said he needs me. i need to check up on him" i start putting my food away

"kels, he could be lying. this could be a set up"

"he isn't lying okay, i know joey"

"joey isn't the guy you knew 4 years ago" jacob tells me and i roll my eyes

"jacob!" i groan, "let me see him, please"

"no kels. i won't let you, do you know what he's done these past years. he is dangerous" he grabs my arm

"he got a couple tattoos? so what. i know he's the same guy deep down. joey wouldn't change for anyone" i try to pull my arm but he grips it tighter

"let go of me jacob" i look at his arm


"jacob!" i shout, pulling my arm out his grip and he takes a deep breath, "what the hell is wrong with you!"

i look down at my arm, his hand marks are on it, along with nail marks, "are you crazy?"

"he killed someone kelsey" he says

i look up at him and stay frozen. joey... killing someone? he would never, he could never

a laugh escapes my mouth, not cause it was funny but because i'm mad now, "really? is that what you're going to say to make me stay?"

"i'm not lying kelsey. i was there"

"oh really? and you kept your mouth shut this entire time? joey would never do something like that" i defend joey

i know my joey. he always gives people second chances and killing someone would never be an option of his, no matter how much he's changed

taking drugs, getting tattoos and piercing won't hide the face that you're the same person. nothing can change you

a anger grows inside me, it blows my mind that jacob could say that. he knows i don't joke around with death

"you know jacob, you're my best friend but i never thought you would say something like this. you know i hate people accusing others of death" i grab my keys from the table

"kelsey i'm not lying, don't go. he'll hurt you"

"no he won't" i blurt, i'm sick and tired of jacob telling me stupid things now, "i'm leaving and if you dare grab me again i will hit you"

"i'm warning you" he says as i walk out my front door

joey, killing someone? the image can't even come in my mind because he would never do something like that

i quickly get into my car and drive to the address that lily sent me

i asked her to send me his address. i didn't know he moved here until a couple weeks ago

i didn't believe it either. why would he move here if he hates me so badly? wouldn't he want to go somewhere far from me?

did he want me to see this new person he's become? because i don't believe in people changing, a heartbreak may change you but not for the worse

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