part 44

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i stare at myself in the mirror and fix my bra strap. i tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear and take a deep breath

i throw my gum in the trash can and sigh. cynthia is full on cleaning the entire house

she has 3 trash bags by the door all from the kitchen. my dad went off to work and me, well i've been helping cynthia

she's begged me not to help her but i don't want to sit there and watch her clean. i cleaned my room up and the living room

i have a date with jacob in a few hours and i don't know how i'll feel about it. we texted each other last night till 4 in the morning

i couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. it was exciting. cynthia notices my smile "you okay?"

"yes actually" i open the fridge and grab a bottle of water

"i'm exhausted" she sits on the kitchen counter and i laugh

"i would be too"

"did you clean your room?" she ask me

"i just made my bed and organized my closet" i tell her

"do you have trash in there?" she ask

"yes i'll throw it out don't worry about it" i tell her and she nods

a awkward silence falls between us but she soon breaks it "so do you want to tell me why you're dressed up?"

"i'm going out on a date" i tell her and she raises her brows

"with who!" she presses her lips together

"jacob" i bite my bottom lip

"the next door neighbor?" she exclaims

"shh, and yes"

"does your dad know?" she crosses her arms

"i don't think so but he knows me and jacob have been going out lately. he always calls me during the worst times too" i sigh

"what do you mean?" she ask

"he always calls me to come home when i don't want too"

she chuckles, "go have fun tonight i won't let him call you"

"thank you" i smile

the door opens and my dad walks in, he had a bag of food in his hand, "wow the house looks great"

me and cynthia look at each other and laugh, she runs to him and kisses him. i silently aww


beep beep

"i'm leaving now!" i yell

"come home by 10 kels" my dad tells me and cynthia rolls her eyes

"okay dad" i shut the door and ignore him

i run to jacob and watch him get out his car, "hey kels" he smiles

i walk over to his side and kiss him, his hand wraps around my waist and i smile

"wow" he says when i pull away

"hey" i whisper

"you look great" he looks into my eyes and i roll my eyes at him playfully

"so where are you taking me tonight?" i ask

his grip around my waist tightens, "it's a surprise"

"a surprise?" i raise my brow, i love surprises

"yes now get your cute ass in the car"

i pull away from him and get inside the car.

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