part 34

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make sure to read "JUMPED"
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i pack my backpack for class and check the time, it's 10 in the morning. i haven't slept since joey left

i took a shower and curled my hair, i slide on my shoes and make sure my phone is in my back pocket

i get a text from jenny that there's going to be a party tonight, i reply back with 'wish i could

when i walk into the lecture my eyes land on sophia, she's sitting down where we always sat. i haven't talked to her in a while

i make my way towards her and sit a seat away from her. i take out my laptop and start taking notes

the door opens and i hear giggling. i turn around and see joey and lily walking into class. they stop laughing when they notice they got the entire classes attention

my eyes burn on them as they walk to there seat. joeys hand is intertwined with lilys. lily looks oddly pretty today.

i don't know if it's something she did with her hair or if it's her outfit. not to mention i can see all her hickeys from here

it hurts me to know that joeys lips have been on her and on her neck, he's made love to her. i bite my bottom lip to stop the tears from forming

i look back in front of the class and take a deep breath. i wonder if he thinks about me when he's with her

did he think about last night at all? does he know that i'm hurting from all of this. he knew how insecure i was about him going back to
lily and that's exactly what he did

i built up all this confidence and he teared it apart and laughed in my face


i turn to sophia and she has a smile on her face, "hi" i smile back

"we haven't talked in a while" she chuckles

"yea we haven't" i look back in front of the class, i don't have time to talk about sophia. i'm missing too much work right now

"are you going to jennys party tonight?" i hear her ask, i look back at her and shake my head

she frowns, "okay"

i look back at the teacher and look at my computer. it's blank. i've been so disorganized lately and haven't been turning in my work

it's hard to keep a good grade in this class when joey and lily are in the corner laughing. my eyes catch them again. he takes out a bag of chips, lemon chips, my favorite.

lily kisses his cheek, her eyes meet mine and i look away. fuck

i pretend to write something down.
i slowly look back at them and joeys writing down in his journal.

the journal he yelled at me for touching. he looks at lily then continues writing

i know for a fact he's not taking down notes. he hates taking notes on a notebook.

i wonder what he's writing in that and what he's hiding. it must be something really important. joeys a really open but secretive person

lily's eyes are at the teacher, joeys down at the journal. he's writing a lot. he's already on his second page

what could he possibly be writing? his eyes meet mine for a split second. i turn away and look at my computer

my heart starts racing that he just caught my staring at him. i'm embarrassed, and i bet he is as well

i always make everything worse. what is wrong with me


i lay my head on the pillow when i finally finish all my missing work. i check the time and it was 8 at night

i sigh and grab my phone, i scroll through my snapchat. everyone's at lily's party, literally.

it gets kinda lonely in here without joey. he always had something to talk about. it was never quiet when he was here

it was actually fun.

go to the party. my subconscious tells me. i shake my head, i'm not going to the party. i hate going to parties

go and show what he's missing.

i turn my phone off and sit up from my bed. i mean i can go for a little. it won't be bad will it?

i quickly change into shorts and a top. not really a party outfit but it will do


i arrive at lilys place which took 20 minutes. why do i feel like i left something at the dorm? i look through my pockets and realize i left my phone

i shake it off and walk into the house. and as always it's humid and gross. i don't know anyone here and can't find anyone that i know

"kels!" i hear, i turn around and see olivia running towards me. she's drunk

"take some shots with us!" she shouts over the music

"who's us?" i ask

"me, jenny, and carly" she hiccups and pulls me to the kitchen

"kels!" jenny smiles and wraps her arms around me, "i thought you couldn't make it"

"well i did" i fake a smile.

carly hands me a red cup, "have some of
this first"

i nod and put my lip to the drink, vodka. there eyes stay on me till i took a sip from it

i almost gag but keep it away. i smile and they smile back.

6 shots in i'm feeling dizzy but amazing. "take another" carly says

i take a cup from her and try to control myself, "i cant feel my legs" i giggle

she winks at me, "just take it"

i chug it down and throw the cup in the trash and look at her, "see it wasn't that hard"

i nod and look behind her, my eyes meet a y'all guy with dark hair and sunglasses. who wears sunglasses inside?

i gulp when i notice him walking towards me, he taps carly's shoulder and she turns around

they mumble to each other and carly turns to me, "i'll be outside"

i watch her leave me and the tall guy alone, "hey" he puts his hand out and i shake it

"hi" i laugh

"i'm jaden"


new boy alert

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