part 79

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kelseys pov

is he really worth it? 

"shut the hell up, it's only your pajamas, last night you went to the bonfire half naked" he rolls his eyes and my jaw drops

his friend snickers and i flip him off, "sorry boo" joey winks at me

"just leave" i cross my arms

"it's my room too?" joey shakes his head

why is he being so rude to me, "just go"

do you really love him?

"here" joey gives me a bag of ice, i put it on my leg

he sits down next to me on the couch, "does it still hurt?"

"not really"

his wedding was only yesterday. he took me home after my fall and washed my leg for me

my dad and cynthia werent home and still arent. i hope they don't come back either

i don't want them to see me with joey, at least not now

"do you think your dad will get mad seeing me here?" joey ask

i chuckle, "i don't think so, he'll probably judge you" i stare at what he's wearing

he spent the night over and i didn't want to let him sleep in his tux so i grabbed some of my dads old clothes

i hope my dad doesn't get mad at me

"do you think my mom hates me?" joey ask, i turn to glance at him

"why would she hate you?" i furrow my brows

"because of what i did yesterday" he bites his bottom lip

"i don't think she hates you joey. she's probably really confused" i try to comfort him

"should i call her?" he looks at his phone

i nod and he picks up his phone putting it to his ear. i hold his hand in mine and stare at him

a few seconds pass, "she didn't answer"

"she'll call you back" i say

we hear the front door open and we both look at the door, my dad and cynthia walk inside

"hey kels, joey" my dad smiles, "joey?" his eyes widen

we both let out a small laugh, joey walks over to my dad, "hey how are you"

"how am i? what are you doing here?" my dad raises a brow and looks at what he's wearing

my dad and cynthia look at joey like someone just died in front of them

an awkward silence falls between them. i cant watch this anymore

"dad do we have any bandaids?" i break the silence

my dad ignores me and looks back at joey, "wait so you said no at your wedding and now you're here?"

"pretty much" joey presses his lips together

"and you're with kels?"

"yea i love her" joey says making my heart skip a beat. i know he didn't mean to say that but it just came out

my dads eyes soften, cynthia brings me a band aid and i thank her. i put the bandaid on the cut from last night when i fell

"he came back for you?" cynthia sits down next to me

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