part 81

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i fall to the floor from laughter, "jacob!"

jacob sits down next to me on the floor laughing as well

"i can't breathe stop" i cover his mouth and he sticks his tongue on, "eww!" i scream

"oh come on don't act like we haven't made out before"


"guys" lily knees down to us, "we're playing 7 minutes come with us" she winks

"who's us?" i smile

she points to a group of people standing outside, "i can't see"

lily laughs and picks me up from the floor, "there is this cute boy, i'll try and hook you guys up"

"what about jacob?"

"jacob can wait" she brings me to her backyard where a group of people are sitting in a circle

i sit down next to her and see a bottle on the floor, "this is a game i use to play when i was a sophomore" i whisper in her ear

"it's still fun" she squeezes my shoulder, "i'll go first" she grabs the bottle

"no" i grab her arm

"why?" she looks at me and so does everyone else

i don't want her to leave me with this random group of people, "never mind" i pull my arm away and she spins the bottle

after about 8 spins it lands on chris, "go chris!" his friend next to him laughs

"i'll be back, don't go anywhere" she says

"lily please don't leave me alone" i say

chris stands and grabs lily, "we won't be back in 7 minutes" chris says

the person next to me grabs the bottle and i look and see it's joey

his hair got a lot darker and he looks like he's about to murder someone. once he grabs the bottle girls start surrounding us

"spin it joey!" one chuckles

"i will, calm down" he rolls his eyes

my heart starts racing and he spins the bottle

i look at the girls around us, some wearing nothing but a bra. i will never understand why girls come half naked to parties

i hear whispers as i keep my eyes on the bottle. please don't land on me, please

the bottle starts slowing down and it lands on the girl across from me, she looks up at joey

some girls start gasping and walking away. joey stands, "come on"

i look at joey as he puts his hand out for her to hold, she grabs it and they walk away

"we aren't even playing the game right" a guy grabs the bottle

"we all know they aren't coming back so what's the point for waiting 7 minutes" a blonde boy says

"want some?" the guy next to me gives me a red cup

"what is it?" i look in the cup

"tequila" he smiles

"no thanks" i look away

"come on" he grabs my hand and makes me grab onto the cup

i take the cup from him and chug it down, he smiles, "you know i-"

"where'd you go?"

i look up and see jacob, i stand from the floor, "please take me away from them"

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