part 75

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kelseys pov

i slowly open my eyes and notice i'm back in my room. i instantly sit up and rub my eyes

how did i get back? all i remember was seeing joey at the party. i get out my room and look in the hallway

"what?" i whisper to myself and grab my phone but its dead. i grab my charger and plug it in

i walk into the kitchen and stop in my tracks when i see joey sleeping on the couch

my eyes widen and i take a step back and crash into something, i turn around and see my dad with plates in his hands, "watch were you're going bud"

"dad what is-"

"good morning joey" my dad smiles and walks away from me, i slowly turn around and see joey sitting on the couch with the blanket on his lap

"hey kels" he murmurs

"why are you here" i day

he runs his hand through his hair and doesn't look at me, "why am i here?" he says to himself

"i can show you the door" i cross my arms

"kelsey be nice to our guest" my dad says walking past us

"he's not our guest" i walk over to joey to pull the blanket off him but am stopped when i hear a knock on the door

i groan and walk over to the door, i pull it open and meet eyes with jacob, "hey"

"jacob i-"

"hey jacob" i hear from behind me, jacobs eyes widen and he looks at me

"what is he doing here?"

"i-i don't even know jacob. i was with jenny at a party and i woke up in my bed today" i bite my bottom lip in frustration

i see a car pull up in front of the house and i see my aunt jemmy and my 2 little cousins walk out the car


jacob turns around and looks at them

"hey darling" my aunt hugs me

"hi, how are you" i kindly ask her

"joey!" i hear, i look down at my cousin delilah. she runs inside and wraps her arms around joey

joey picks her up and spins her around, my heart awes and i turn back to my aunt and jacob

"is that your boyfriend?" my aunt ask

"no" i press my lips together

"delilah is always talking about him, he's such a sweet young man" my aunt says walking inside the house

i look over at jacob and he looks confused but in shock, "does your family not like me?"

i chuckle, "they do but i don't know why they love joey. it makes me..."

"anyway, i wanted to come check up on you. you weren't answering your phone" he scratches the back on his neck, "you seem busy though but i'll come back later tonight"


"by the way" he looks behind me then back at me, "you're still going tomorrow right?"

i bite my bottom lip, "i don't think so"

"come on kelsey, he's at your place talking to your family when his wedding is tomorrow" jacob points out

i shake my head, "i'll think about it"

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