part 37

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just to help your guys anxiety, kels finds out something about joey and it won't be good :)

i lied, i didn't help your anxiety

i wake up and look at my phone. i'm a hour late to class and don't care. i don't bother to move at all

i'll skip today. i don't have any energy in me to even face joey, sophia, or even lily

i sit up and look at myself in the mirror, my hair is still damp from the shower last night

the bags under my eyes really show the lack of sleep i had lazy night.

it's drizzling outside and the sound of it tapping against the window is really relaxing. my phone starts ringing and i grab it from the night stand

a text from jenny asking me to go to a party with her tonight. i text her that i'm sick and turn my phone off

i get off my bed and notice the hoodie from last night is still on the floor. i pick it up and throw it in the laundry bin

i open the bathroom door and brush my teeth, i stare myself in the mirror a little longer as i brush my teeth

my mind is completely blank, i don't want to think about what happened yesterday at all. i rinse my mouth and tie my hair up

i grab my laptop from my bag and email my professor to send me everything i'll be missing today. i also ask him to send me everything i'll be missing for the week.

i told him i'm very ill and cant make it to class. he sends me everything. i thank him and do my work

something i love to do was completing my work ahead so i don't have to worry about anything for the rest of the week

my teachers loved me for always being ahead and doing my work. i was always the teachers favorite which benefited me because that meant i could've skipped school and always got away with it

"are you kidding?" i hear

"shhh, why are you so loud?" i furrow my eyebrows when i hear the convo that's going on outside my dorm room

it sounds like a couple fighting. i cant hear them well just them arguing with each other. i hear the door slam shut and i jump


4 days later

i sit up from my bed and look outside the window. it's been 4 days and i haven't left the dorm nor do i plan on it

i ordered postmates so i didn't have to leave at all. i've been studying for this exam in my english class.

i told my professor i'm coming on tuesday so i can take the exam. tuesday will
also be the last day of class

well at least for my english class. it's only friday. there is so much time left

i close my laptop and get up from the bed, i put on leggings and a hoodie. i haven't stepped foot out and i really need some fresh air

i walk out the building and walk to the cafe. hopefully jenny will be there to give me some company

when i walk in she's behind the counter taking people's orders. she looks at me and sends me a smile, i smile back and wait for my turn

"a coffee?" jenny ask when i reach the counter

"yup" i laugh

"i haven't seen you, where have you gone?" she laughs as well

"been in my dorm, i haven't been feeling well"

"what's wrong?" she frowns

"i'm sick" i hate lying to my friends

"oh i'm sorry to hear that, but you're coffee will be ready in a few sometime is waiting behind you" she tells me

"okay thank you" i tell her and step aside

i walk over to a table and pray i don't see any one. i don't want to see anyone at all. i just want to be alone for now

my heads pounding and my eyes take a long
time to adjust to the light inside here.

i keep my head down and look at the table, i read the carving in them and trace them with my finger.

i look up and jenny is standing above me with my coffee in her hand, "here you go" she sets it down on the table

"thank you jen"

she sits down next to me, "you seem so down?"

"really? guess it's just how i look when i'm sick"

"have you talked to soph? she has really good medicine to help with a sore throat" she tells me

"yea i talked to soph yesterday" i lie

"oh, well i hope you feel better" she rubs my hand and i smile at her

"thank you jenny"

"no problem, i have to get back so" she smiles

"okay i have to leave anyway i have a lot of studying to do" i tell her

"okay good luck" she says

i walk out the cafe and walk back to the dorms. my head down so i don't make contact with anyone


i grab my stuff from my dorm and shove it in my bag. i hold my computer in my hand and walk back out to sit down by one of the tables

lily texted me that joey is coming back to the dorm to get something and i don't want to see him

i walk to the metal table and sit down. i take my stuff out and continue studying for my exam

after what felt like 4 hours of studying i think i finally understood everything. the book we're reading for the class finally makes sense to me

"right there!" i hear

my head shoots up and i see lily running towards me, joey behind her

"hey kels!" she hugs me

joey stays a few feet away, as he should.

"hi" i fake a smile

"where have you been?" she ask

"sick" i tell her

"aww! does that mean you can't make it to joeys surprise party tomorrow?" she whispers

"nope, sorry" it's not like i even want to go and celebrate his stupid birthday

"that sucks" she frowns, "what are you doing?"

"studying for our exam"

"i totally forgot we even had a exam! i never pay attention in that class" she laughs

i nod slowly, "cool"

"yea, well i'll see you later then"

"yea" i hope i never see you again

she waves at me and walks back to joey. i look back at my computer and run my hand through my hair

next couple of chapters is going to be a storm. hold onto your hats!


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