part 68

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"about time!" jacob shouts

"shut up!" i punch his arm

"gosh kelsey, i hated him so much. did he get mad?" he ask

our waiter gives us one check, jacob quickly grabs it and pays for it, "why didn't you let me pay?" i ask

"it's on me, now answer my question" he says and i laugh

"he didn't get mad, he said how he'll change for me and be a better person but i-i don't know"

"do you think he's capable of change?" he takes a sip from his drink

i shrug my shoulders, "he's capable of a lot of things, but i don't think he'll ever change himself for someone"

i take a deep breath, not today. just not today. no thinking of joey, his wedding is now in a week

jacob and i decided to go together to the wedding, i'm scared. i don't know how to feel, he's really going to marry her

"you look sad" jacob points out

"i'm not" i fake a smile and he rolls his eyes

"i know when you're sad kelsey, what's wrong. you can tell me"

"it's just, i cant believe he's getting married and is going to have a kid"

jacob crosses his arms, "you're still not over him?"

i shake my head, "i don't know jacob, i've thought about it so much. i don't want him to marry her"

"kelsey, you really need to move on"

"well you saw what happened when i tried too"

"it takes time kelsey, good things take time" he squeezes my hand

our waiter comes back with jacobs card and we give her a tip before leaving. i thank him for paying for my food before we get into his car

"how does lily feel about joeys marriage?" i buckle my belt and take my phone out to check the time

"she doesn't believe me" he laughs

don't be out late, we're very busy tomorrow

i check the time and it was 4pm, May 23

"i still think you should crash the wedding" he backs out the parking lot

"and be humiliated by everyone there, i'll pass" i sigh

"come on, you'll regret it if you don't" he wiggles his brows at me and i roll my eyes playfully

"i'm not doing that jacob"

"whatever... i'm just saying" he sighs, "so do you want me to take you home?"

my eyes widen when i look out the window, his arms were wrapped around a girls shoulder. he kisses her cheek and she giggles

"stop the car" i tell jacob

"no kelsey, you're not going out" he tries to lock the car door but i was already out walking towards him and his new girl


he turns around and looks at me, he unwraps his arms around the girl and whispers something to her, she walks away

"who is she?" i ask

"why does it matter?" he walks closer to me

"you've already moved on?"

"yea? didn't you. you're in the car with jacob" he points

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