part 71

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joeys pov

4 more days left

i slowly open my eyes and notice i'm not where i usually am in the mornings

my eyes adjust to the light and i realize i'm still in the room from last night

i turn over and see kelsey sitting against the headboard of the bed, she's looking down playing with something in her hand

she looks at me, "hey"

"hey" i clear my throat

her eyes go back to her hands, i furrow my brows and notice she's playing with a ring

emily's ring

she's wearing a white long t-shirt, mine. she isn't wearing any pants letting her tan legs glow in the light

i sit up and turn towards her, she puts the ring on her finger and looks at me, "your really gonna marry her?"

"yea" i have no other choice now, i only have 4 more days

she takes a deep breath, "does she know you kissed me, that you told me you still love me?"

"i-i was going to tell her i just couldn't" i tell her and she pulls the ring off her and continues to play with it

"the ring is beautiful" she gulps

"thank you, i-i picked it out" i nervously say

she nods slowly and looks at me again, "4 more days right? till you're officially hers"

"i-i guess"

she throws the ring at me and it falls to the floor, she gets up from the bed and grabs her pants off the floor

"what are you doing?" i ask

"leaving" she answers, "somewhere where i won't see you and your stupid soon to be wife"

"kels" she interrupts me

"i hate you" she says

she puts her pants on and doesn't make eye contact with me. i watch her struggle putting them up her legs

my heart starts racing and i feel like i just got stabbed in the heart by her. fuck

"what?" i almost whisper

"fuck you joey, i absolutely hate you. you can't just kiss me and bring me here and... and have sex with me when you're wedding is in 4 days" she scoffs


she interrupts me again, "you can't tell me you still love me and ask why i didn't stop you when you aren't stopping yourself. if you still love me you wouldn't have engaged her. you would've waited for me because i'm worth waiting for. she's probably waiting for you to come home and you're in bed with me!"

she pulls the shirt off herself and throws it at me, she puts her top on again and grabs her phone from the floor

she looks at me and i can tell by her eyes how hurt she is, she opens her mouth to say something but she's gonna regret it. i can tell

she makes her way towards the door and i run after her, i grab her arm and turn her around, "don't fucking touch me"

"kelsey please let me talk to you"

she pulls her arm away and looks at me, "okay"

i'm a bit surprised she's letting me talk, i sigh and look at her. it's like i've totally forgot what i was going to say

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