part 95

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my dads car isn't here and neither are the police or ambulance. did they leave already?

what happened?

i pick my phone up with my shakey hands trying to dial cynthia or my dad

none of them answer and i start to grow frustrated

is it so hard to let me know what happened? why would she call me to not even tell me what happened? i sit on the floor and try to control myself

within a few minutes i get a text from cynthia. its an address

my heart starts racing and i run to my car, i back out the garage within seconds and i drive
as fast as i possibly could

my phone rings again and i look down to see jacob has texted me

just heard the news, i'm on my way

i furrow my brows, the news? what fucking news? my heart starts racing faster and faster

some streets were closed making me more and more anxious

where the fuck were they going? why are they so far from home?

i cant think straight anymore. i pass every red light that tries to stop me. cars honk at me and i get flipped off a couple times or even cut off

i hear more police sirens but i don't bother to slow down for them. i look behind me and notice that they are following me

i still don't bother to stop

i need to find out what happened to my dad

i press on the pedal harder and pass every car that comes in my way.

i see a ambulance ahead with people coming out there cars to see what has happened

the intersection is closed which explains the amount of cars surrounding it. i stop the car when a police officer stands in front of me

i get out my car and run to the intersection where i see the ambulance

my heart races faster and faster

i hear some people yelling at me and some even running after me trying to get me to stop but i don't

"don't go!"

"get her!"

i finally reach the yellow police tape and my heart stops when i notice 3 cars are crashed into each other and a fourth one completely flipped over

i feel like i'm being suffocated

a pair of arms wrap around me, pulling me away from the scene

"stop!" i cry

"get her" he says

"stop! let go of me, please!" i cry

my eyes focus on someone getting pulled out the car, blood covering his face, his clothes completely torn, his head was hung low as a nurse tries to pick him up

i squint my eyes to take a better look at who the man was and i feel my heart get ripped out my chest when i realize its the man i love the most

my dad

"dad!" i scream, i look at the police officer, "please let me see him"

they slowly soften there grip on me and let me go. i pull the caution tape and run over to him, they lay him on the floor while the paramedics surround him

"dad it's me" i hold his face in my hands, he is soaked in blood, scratches all over his pretty face and his lip is torn apart, "wake up dad"

i cant imagine him like this, this can't be him, i move his hair out his face, "it's me dad, your daughter, your kiddo" my voice cracks

"dad!" i scream

"someone take her away" i hear behind me

i hold my dads hand and start to sob, this has to be a dream. this can't be happening. i won't let him die

i need him

i feel my arm getting pulled and i'm lifted away from my dad

"is he dead?" i mumble, "he can't be dead!" i try getting out the persons grip and fall to the floor when they let go

i scarp my hand on the floor but ignore the pain and try crawling over to my dad

i feel so weak, my head is pounding and i can't even think straight.

my legs start getting cut from the glass on the floor. they pick my dad up and put him in the ambulance

i watch them close the doors and drive away. my breathing goes uneven, there is nothing left in me, i can't even move

i feel like i'm being held down by something. my chest gets heavier and heavier each breath i take

it starts to get incredibly hot and my vision starts to get hazy

"not today" i hear the voice echo, a pair of arms wraps around me and the familiar scent calms me down in some way

they pull me away as i stare at my dads car. his car was absolutely destroyed

it was crushed, he couldn't have survived something like that

"look at me" i'm set against a wall, my face is cupped in someone's hand

i couldn't keep my eyes open for any longer

"kelsey" he shakes me

i slowly look at him, trying my best to keep my eyes open, "just kill me" i whisper

"no" he furrows his brows

"he's gone joey" i say

"don't say that kelsey" he opens a bottle of water and grabs my face to have me drink down it

the water goes down my throat and i grab it from joeys hand. pulling my lips away from the bottle and pour it on my legs and arms

i drop the bottle of water when i look at my hands. i start to panic, "h-his blood, it's on my hands" i cry

joey takes his flannel off and wipes my dads blood off me, pouring water as well

"take a deep breath kelsey, calm down" he says, "please kelsey. focus on your breathing"

i ignore what he says and stare at him wiping my hands, "that should've been me"


"i want to die joey"

"why would you fucking say that kelsey"

"my moms gone and so is my dad. what's the point joey? let me go with them, id rather be with them than live in this world with the pain of emptiness that i don't have my parents with me anymore"

joey starts breaking down in tears, "because kelsey. they wouldn't want you to give up, especially your dad. don't give up kelsey"

"how would you know that? they're gone joey"

"look at me kelsey" he grabs my face again, his hands start to shake, "because i need you, now don't you dare give up"

i look in joeys eyes as his eyes turn red. how did he even find me?

"kelsey!" someone shouts

joey and i both look over and see jacob, he knees down to the floor and looks at me, "fuck kelsey, lets go home" he picks me up

"i don't want to go home" i tell jacob

"let's go to my place" joey says

Cried while writing this

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