part 31

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{ been on writers block! sorry}

i stand a few feet away from lily and joey, they were arguing, tears running down lily's cheeks

she looks at me and runs towards me, joey holds her back "this is all your fault" she screams

i stare at her and don't say anything, joey try's calming her down. "how could you" she whispers to him

"please leave kels" joey says

i nod and walk back into the room, i bite my lip wondering what's going to happen

joeys pov

i watch kelsey go back into her room, i look at lily and hold her hand "i'm sorry i was going to tell you"

"when? with her? you're with her? after everything you told me? you told me she wasn't your type and that you don't even see her like that" lily says and i pray kelsey didn't hear that

"i know fuck, i, i don't know. i like her" i say and she nods

"i really didn't want us to end like this, you told me you loved me" she whispers

i don't say anything but stare at her, she wipes her tear and walks away

i walk back into the dorm and kelsey's sitting on the bed biting her nails, "what happened?" she asked when i slam the door shut

i shrug my shoulder, "i guess we broke up"

"i feel bad, we should've told her" kelsey stands and i sit down on my bed, i take a deep breath

"it doesn't matter anymore does it?" i look at her, worry all over her face

"stop freaking out and kiss me" i pull her on top of me, i lean in for a kiss but she covers my mouth

"do you think she'll hurt me? i know she's psycho over you" she says and i roll my eyes

"who cares kelsey, i'm here" i say and kiss her soft lips

she pulls away again, i groan "what?"

"i'm scared" she whispers and i lay down on my bed

"of what"

"of lily, i feel like you'll leave for her again" she says and i shoot my head up at her


she shrugs her shoulders and pouts out her bottom lip, "im not leaving you kelsey" i sit up and she sighs

"you've done it before, i won't be surprised if you leave me again" when the words come out her mouth i feel terrible

i've hurt her too much she's scared i'll hurt her again, "i love you" i tell her and she stares at the wall

"i love you too" she replies

"i'm not going to leave you or hurt you kelsey, i'm sorry" i kiss her cheek

"okay" she replies

"look at me" i lift her chin to look at me

her eyes sparkle when i stare at her, she's so beautiful i'm in love with her. i don't know what i'd do without her

"you mean so much to me" i whisper

"you mean so much to mE" she smiles and i kiss her soft lips

she doesn't pull away and lets me kiss her as long as i want, she doesn't stop but she deepens the kiss

"i love you" she says and i smile

"how about we go out tonight, dinner?" i ask, i want to take her out on a real date without any friends just me and her

"what time?" she ask, "i have loads of homework" she tells me

"you can do your homework later" i remind her

"you're right but i don't want to fail this class" she frowns

"you won't fail this class kelsey, i see your work. you're a good student" i poke her cheek
"my good student" i whisper

she raises her brow at me, "oh really?"

"yes baby" i smirk at her and she rolls her eyes

"fine then, i'll take a shower and you can take me out" she stands

"didn't you already take one though?" i ask and she shakes her head

"no?" she looks at the wall again

i stand up as well and wrap my arms around her, "don't worry about lily okay" i tell her

"okay" she gives in and i peck her lips

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