part 39

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it's wednesday. exam day.

after my 3 hour long bath i decided to finally come out and get dressed. i brush my wet hair and spray on perfume

another day, another hoodie

i put on my backpack and walk out the building and start walking to my class

i don't care if i see joey or lily or even soph.

i wonder if sophia knew this entire time. i hate them all at the moment

when i walk into class i sit down in the back and take out my computer. class started early today and our teacher told us that the exam won't be till tomorrow

"you're all going to study with a group of people. when i give you a number go to your group" he says

"kels 1" the teacher says

i sigh and look around the class room, "joey 1" he says and i pinch my arm

please wake up. this has to be a dream, there is no way i'm in a group with him.

2 hours later the class was over and i walk out the door first.


i turn around and see my classmate walk towards me, "i'm in your group"

"oh, would you want to study outside together?" i ask

"sure, let's go to the cafe" she tells me


"i'll tell the rest of our group as well" she says and walks back to class

i start walking to the cafe with my head down and arms crossed. when i walk inside i was hoping to see jenny but remember that she doesn't work on wednesday's

i walk back out and sit down at a table outside. i open my computer and tap the pen in my hand against the computer impatiently waiting for my classmates

there is no way i would want to work with joey during everything that has happen. after i found out that he cheated on me during our relationship. his open relationship with lily is pathetic, who even does open relationship?

i see my classmates walking to my table, they sit down and i smile at them

"i'm kami, this is dan and jade" she says

i'm thankful that joey isn't here with them, i hope he's feeling the same way as me right now, embarrassed.

my classmates took really good notes and we all talked about the book. they were smart, really smart. they had stuff that i didn't even write down and kami had all the answers to the exam

apparently she 'finessed' her way to getting it. she showed us the pictures she got of it and we all started writing it down

"oh hey joey" i hear jade say

i look up and joey sits down next to dan, they start talking to each other and i look back at my notes


i ignore him and continue copying the exam to memorize it completely

"i don't know anything about the book at all" joey informs us

i look up at him and our eyes meet, "probably because you were busy with other girls every other night"

i hear kami and jade chuckle, joey looks at me with absolutely no emotion in his eyes or face.

"or because i was stuck on a girl who wasn't my type"

i break my pencil in half and quickly drop it to the floor, how could he say something like that. to me? he knows how sensitive i am

"anyways..." kami breaks the silence, "i'll email
you guys the exam"

"that sounds good, let's just continue studying this" dan says, we all agree and look back down at our notes

after a hour and a few minutes dan and jade have left. joeys eyes are glued to the book and kami looks like she was just about to finish it

i remember joey telling me how bad he was at literature, his mom even came into the door and yelled at him for failing

he even asked me to be his tutor at some point. how can it be so hard to just get a book and read it? i guess fucking girls was more easier

it doesn't even look like he was reading the book, he looks up at me and i look down

"i'm going to go now" joey closes his book and stands from the table "bye"

"bye" kami waves

kami looks at me and closes her laptop, "enough studying right?"


"well good luck on the exam tomorrow" she tells me

"thanks you too"

she gives me a smile before getting up and leaving. i decide it's time for me to leave as well

i close my computer and look at a notebook that was left at the table. i pick it up and open it to see who it belonged too

joeys name was in the corner of it. i bet it was his book to study.

i put it in my backpack to give it back to him tomorrow in class. not because i care but because i wouldn't want him to fail the class again

look at me being nice and still wanting to help him. i'm a clown


wonder what's in the notebook?

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