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I lazily crawled out of bed when I convinced myself that the sound of my alarm was too annoying for me to handle at that point.Being a new student at an unsatisfactory school didn't make the situation any better.

It's been a week since I,for the first time, set foot in that building.Even though it is a short amount of time I've already become quite popular for my high grades and obedience towards the teachers.I can be described as quiet,reserved and shy.Nothing less nothing more.I do not have any friends considering the fact that I am not a sociable human being and let's just say that I don't talk that much.In my previous school I barely had two.So changing schools was a dreadful experience for me and it still is.

A few days after my first appearance,the teachers noticed my abilities at math.It is my strongest lesson after all.This led my math teacher to asking me if I wanted to help the less-capable students to become better.At first my eyes flashed with annoyance upon that request but then I realized how much this will affect the teacher's opinion about me and my grade in his lesson as well.I cursed inside but I accepted anyways.I began teaching the same day I heard the offer.

And that leads us to another reason as to why I hate going to that school.Choi Jongho.That arrogant piece of shit gets on my nerves every time.He is actually the only student that I'm teaching at the moment but he tires me so badly.It seems like him being rebellious is more important than concetrating and doing his best.He doesn't pay attention at all,he teases me a lot,he interrupts me while I'm talking and he doesn't even do his homework.His grades are high except from math.

All these thoughts about Jongho and my life at the new school were lingering in my head as I was getting ready for school.I felt so reluctant to go,but I knew I didn't have any other choice.For some reason though,I couldn't stop thinking about Jongho and his attitude towards me.Why was he acting that way?Does he have a reason?Does he hate math that much?I was super confused but I stopped thinking about these concerns since I had to leave.

My school wasn't that far.About a 15-minute walk.When I arrived,not many people were there since I like going to school early.Just me,nobody else,silence was evident in the large halls.I was about to enter my classroom when I heard a sniffle.I was taken aback and tried to orientate myself so that I can find where the sound was coming from.Surpise overflowed my body when I saw Jongho sitting by himself at the stairs,crying.His large,sparkling eyes met mine and for some reason I felt my own heart breaking into million pieces seeing him that way.His eyes were puffy and red and it was obvious that he's been crying for a while now.After what felt like an eternity with us just staring in awe at each other,I slowly paced towards him not wanting to scare or make him feel uncomfortable.

''Are you okay?'',I asked.My voice coming out quieter that I expected.

I guess he couldn't control himself much longer because when I asked him he bursted into more tears making me run towards him so that I can sit down beside him,slightly hugging him from the side while gently patting his back.I felt sorry for him so I just stayed quiet till he completely calmed down.He looked at me with guilt and mastered up the courage to say:''I'm so sorry'' before his eyes filled up with tears once again.I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.''What do you mean?''.Jongho covered my hand with his,much larger and warmer than mine.''I'm sorry for making your life harder''. ''What are you talking about Jongho?'',I replied while a blush creeped its way towards my cheeks.This sudden contact made me feel anxious and my hands started to get sweaty.It was also the time when I realized how close our faces were.How come I never noticed how handsome and manlike he is.He sighed at my question.''Why don't you get it?My behaviour is unacceptable and I don't deserve to be taught by a person like you.I can't seem to find the reason why but I just can't get you out of my head lately.How patient you are with my demeanor and how hard you try not to get angry with me.I can tell,you know.''He stopped talking for a second to look at me.A sad smile spread across his face.''Why are you like this?Why don't you tell the teacher how badly and poorly I behave?''.

The moment I was asked that question I started to wonder as well.Why?Why was I being so tolerant with him?I don't even know him that well.I didn't know how to respond to that.I chose to stay calm and not show him that I was confused as well.All I knew was that at that moment,for some odd reason,I felt safe with him and the warmth of his hand was conquering my whole body.I didn't want to let go.When he understood that I wasn't planning to respond he squeezed my hand.''I just want you to know that I don't know what the fuck is going on and I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling this way but I'm going to work extremely hard for you so that I can finally win the teacher's respect but also a place in your heart''.

Dedicated to: potato_gurl00( i hope you liked it love you<3)

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