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Dedicated to: unicorn3438

"are you sure you want to watch this?? won't you get scared?"

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"are you sure you want to watch this?? won't you get scared?"

"me? scared? y/n, you talk like you don't know me."

"actually, i'm saying that because i do know you."

wooyoung walks in and sees you and mingi sitting on the couch side by side, waiting for the others to watch a movie. 

"oh please! last time we watched a horror movie, you couldn't even go to the bathroom by yourself."

"i managed though!"

"i had to hold the doorknob for you!!"

you stiffle a giggle and look over to see mingi's reddened cheeks. "i'll prove it to you y/n! i'll prove it to all of you!!"

the rest of the boys walk in and give him weird looks, yet shrug it away and sit down to start the movie. most of them are munching on popcorn and chips, exchanging a few words here and there, before the film finally begins.

mingi suddenly gets up and walks towards the kitchen, leaving the seat next to you empty for a few minutes. after a while, he comes back with a bowl full of nachos and sits by your side again.

it melts your heart that he always remembers small details about you. little things that may not seem important to others. nachos is your favorite snack whilst watching a movie and he buys it especially for you every time you're having a marathon with the boys, knowing well your dislike for other kind of chips. he moves it slightly towards your side and both of you eat wordlessly while enjoying each other's presence and the film.

that unfortunately doesn't last long, because halfway through the movie you feel mingi clutching onto the hem of your shirt softly and his whole body is almost on top of yours. wooyoung sends a wink from across the room and you look down to see mingi's face buried deeply on your chest. his hands are shyly wrapped around your waist and you notice him trying his best to hold back his screams of despair and horror.

you lean in and whisper. "are you okay? do you want to go upstairs??"

he looks up and nods sheepishly with no hesitation. you get up and excuse yourselves, wishing the rest of the members goodnight. wooyoung doesn't forget to gift you with his well-known smirk, while you shoot him a deadly look. 

mingi walks upstairs and enters his room, slumping on his large bed with a sigh. the matress bounces beneath his body. "i'll never be able to finish a horror movie." he complains with a pout. 

you close the door behind you and chuckle. "it doesn't matter. you're brave enough."

he darts a surprised look towards you. "i am??"

"of course!" you say truthfully, taking a seat beside him. "remember that time when you saved me from that angry squirrel at the zoo?"

he laughs and it feels like another melody tickling your ears. "he was actually quite scary. i need more credit for that."

you nod eagerly. "or that time when you failed math for me so that i won't be alone in summer classes? who does that??"

he smiles proudly, eyes turning into two crescents. "i guess i do."

you laugh and hit his arm playfully. he grabs your hand and places it on his soft hair, asking you wordlessly to caress it gently. he loves it when you do that. he closes his eyes and concentrates on the impact your touch has on him. he lets you do that for a while, a comfortable silence taking over, until he speaks again, eyes still shut.

"but i guess it depends on the person too." he reveals softly. 

you gently furrow your eyebrows. "what do you mean??"

he swallows evidently. "i wouldn't be brave for somebody else."

your heart doesn't waste a mere second and starts beating rapidly. "mingi..."

he hums, opening his eyes to look at yours. both of you get lost in each other's soft gazes. he slowly gets up, his face inches away from yours. he clears his throat and licks his lips. "y/n i..." he sighs. "i like you."

your eyes widen at the sudden confession. you feel his hand playing with the strings of your hoodie nervously, yet his eyes never abandon yours. 

your head spins uncontrollably, the air turns its back on your lungs. "mingi i...i don't know."

his breathings halts. "you...you don't like me?"

you shake your head in an instant. "i didn't say that!"

relief overtakes his facial features, his eyes soften and the usual sparkle in them returns. 

"but...what about the others? i don't want them to feel uncomfortable mingi. i'd hate that. i care about them so much. i-"

"what about us?" he whispers. "don't you care about us??"

of course you do. but you're also scared. no words manage to escape from your trembling lips, even though you're willing to. 

"look, y/n..." mingi sighs deeply and runs his hand through his hair. "i've liked you since high school. i know you since forever. and to be honest, i want to stop caring about others for a second and concentrate on us." his hands are warm in yours, fingers intertwined tightly. "i've been waiting so long...so long for this moment. i don't want to let it slip away." he swallows harshly. "i don't want your feelings to fade away y/n..."

"what..." you say breathlessly. "what about yours?'

you haven't seen him that serious before. he shakes his head slowly. "they won't." he whispers against your lips. 

you haven't seen him that close before. every inch of his face appears more perfect that way. and as selfish as it sounds, deep inside you want to put other people aside for a moment and pay attention to mingi's soft touch. you aren't used to him caressing your hair that gently, that fondly, with that deep gaze glued on yours. 

you lean into his hand that rests on your pink cheek. he releases a sigh filled with pure relief. he kisses your cheek and his lips travel down to your neck, whispering in between. 

"i'll make you so damn happy..."

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