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Dedicated to: YJeongInIsMyLove

Dedicated to: YJeongInIsMyLove

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i rest my forehead against his and sigh. i have the urge to kiss him, yet i'm too tired to do so. our noses brush against each other with the slightest movement. i breathe him in and let my eyes wander on his lips. the lower one sticks out more than the upper. they are just the right shade of red. just the right size. my eyes then disembark on his closed ones. his lashes are long and black. i want to see them. those black eyes that hold all the colors in the universe. i try to picture them in my head, but i'm distracted by his delicate collarbone. the way everytime he inhales it pops out and with an exhale it disappears once again. 

i trace it with my fingers like it belongs to a porcelain doll. his skin is soft against them and i know that if it weren't for his sleeping face, i would've kissed him by now. my fingers move to his neck and land on his sharp jawline. my touch lingers there, knowing well how sensitive he is for that particular spot.

"it tickles." he mumbles wearily and his breath fans my face.

i place a gentle kiss on his forehead as an apology, yet he doesn't seem to mind. he wraps his arms around me and brings my body closer to his. i peck his collarbone and let my face bury deeper into his chest. 

"what time is it?" he asks with a whisper. 

i don't answer. he realizes and sighs softly right beside my ear, not bothering to glance at the clock this time. the pure darkness has swallowed everything and our room as well, only a small light by the bed bringing happiness to the wide bedroom.

he speaks softly, yet imposingly. "i told you not to do that anymore my love."

i make him worry again. i get even closer to him, too tired to voice out anything. my heart fills with warmth when he hugs me even tighter and tangles our legs together at the end of the bed. he starts to caress my hair. his voice is as soft as his touch.

"it was a tiring day huh?"

i nod against his chest. 

"would you like to talk about it?" he asks despite the late hour. his voice is pure again.

i stay silent. for more than a minute.

"tomorrow?" he speaks again after giving me some time to myself.

i nod eagerly and place a soft peck on his neck, pulling away to see him afterwards. i see him and stop breathing.

"there's my beautiful wife." he whispers with a smile and i rest my head close to his, our foreheads pressed together. 

it's one of those moments that i wish to never forget. to let it linger on the back of my head till the day i sigh my last breath. because his eyes are filled with so much warmth and affection. i feel his gaze engraved in my heart. to the point where i need to look at something else. anything to make my heart stop beating that fast. yet my eyes return to his when he grabs my cheek, making me look at him.

"you need to change." he reminds me, shaking my head softly to wake me up. 

i raise my eyebrows at first and look down to see that i'm still in my working clothes. i heave an exasperated sigh and plop my face on the pillow. 

he chuckles sweetly and my ears fill with a familiar melody. "let me help you."

i raise my arms like a kid and he starts to remove my clothing. he's extremely gentle and careful with every single one of his movements. i don't feel shy nor embarrassed when i expose myself to him. he has made me love my body for what it is. i blush at the thought and gaze at him with fond. he folds my old clothes neatly after he's done and i mumble a tired thank you. he smiles and kisses my forehead.

we both lie down once again, bodies even closer than before, and let our eyes drop with our breathings the only comforting sound to each other's ears. my mind drifts away to a place that i'm not even familiar with. anywhere sounds fine at the moment. anywhere but the world where i live in. and the only thing i take with me to this parallel universe is san's warm touch.

i almost gasp outwardly when deafening crying and whimpers resonate through the dark apartment. yet both of us stay still, bodies and minds more tired than ever.

"is it my turn?" i mumble.

he hums.

i sigh and stay still. the crying keeps getting louder by the second.

"can you please go for me?" i plead with the softest voice i can manage.

he whines.


he whines again.

"please baby. i'll get up twice in a row next time. please."

he groans and gets up abruptly, mumbling to himself that i'm lucky that he loves me. i smile in victory and let my body sink deeper onto the soft cotton sheets. the whimpers stop but i don't even notice.

san comes back quicker than i expected, my head turning around in confusion. i melt at the sight of him holding our baby daughter in his arms. he lets out a yawn, rocking the baby slowly back and forth. 

"how did you do that?" i ask in awe.

he smiles proudly. "she stopped when i held her."

i roll my eyes playfully and make space for the baby. he moves towards the bed and places her between us. 

"it's a family cuddle heh!" he says excitingly and a smile spreads unconsciously on my lips.

it's like our wearied minds have vanished magically, our eyes glued to our baby daughter taking in tiny breaths and letting them out slowly. i see san staring at her the same way he stares at me. 

"you are going to be an amazing dad." i whisper genuinely and feel my eyes water out of the blue.

he smiles widely and leans in. "that's because i have a perfect wife." he whispers again, before kissing me and holding us both in his arms.

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