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➼what first got you into ateez?

good question! i hate bragging, but i want to say that i know ateez from phase one :]

i remember watching their 'pick it up' dance video (BAD BITCH PUERTO RICAN) and i thought that they looked so cool. so i anticipated their debut a lot. then 'from' came out and BAM i fell in love even more. 

mingi's rap there was what made me like the song even more and i fell in love with him too :') he needs to chill muahaha.

➼why are you so kind and lovely? how is your writing so beautiful?


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

i honestly don't know if i'm kind nor lovely. kskskssk. i just love talking to people here and helping them. i don't know if i'm doing a good job or not. either way, ever since i joined this kind community i'm happier and i've made so many new unique friends(like you ;0). 

whoever wants someone to vent to...i'm here<3

when people call my writing beautiful, i'm like 0.0

sometimes, i'm so insecure about it. i don't know...i just write whatever feels the best. i love writing y'all. it relaxes me and seeing all those kind comments makes me KSDSLKADSDJSJS


➼a song that can make you cry?

i don't usually cry when i listen to music. even when something is sad. that actually happens in movies too. 

but i clearly remember crying when i listened to 'grow up' by stray kids. a very emotional song with beatiful meaning and lyrics. i had a really bad day and i just played it and cried. hehe

➼your writing is genuinely so incredible!! do you get inspiration from somewhere specific or do you just come up with ideas at random? 

thank you so much!! ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

i just stick to whatever you guys request. i keep reading what you send to me and then i just write. writing can be so difficult sometimes. it depends on the request. one can take a day, while others can take more than three days.

whenever i want inspiration, i go to pinterest and search for quotes. it helps a lot. or i just watch a movie similar to the request. for example, for my last imagine with san, i watched an anime movie called "5 centimeters per second". a masterpiece!! i recommend it. have a nice cry muahaha.

➼your current playlist


i love these questions.

ateez is always on my playlist. probably horizon and win the most. BOPS. *twerking intensifies*

and after that, i'm going to admit it. i love listening to soundtracks from movies or series. for example titanic. i love this movie and its songs are just magical. then lion king ahhhh. i love the music there too. i'm in love with hans zimmer in general. he's my favorite.

i really like listening to music from movies. it's like..my hobby (ᵔᴥᵔ)

i also listen to kpop all the time. it's unhealthy. 

from american singers, i like bruno mars, billie eilish, astrid s and chase atlantic. i listen to more, but these are the basics.

➼what is the moment of ateez that has most shocked you?

nice question! a lot.

first of all, every time a new album comes out. i just...don't understand how every song can sound so beautiful ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪

their songs will either make me cry or twerk. there's no in between.

i remember being shocked mostly when 'wonderland' was released. that album is the best in my opinion. 

secondly, whenever san talks about his insecurities or his grandparents. that video where he cries talking about them. it makes my heart ache. because he loves them so much. has any of you wondered what will happen to him when he loses them? i don't want to imagine it. i hate that. let's move on :''D

san is so beautiful inside and out. i'm happy that he's vocal about the way he feels though. i feel intimate with him. i just want to meet him and drink coffee with him, even though i hate coffee heheeh (~˘▾˘)~

➼where are you from? and i would like to say that i'm so in love with your writing and it does make my day. i hope you have a happy life today!


you're so sweet!! thank you!! that's what i want actually. for people to feel happy while reading my stories. i hope people feel that way :') i pray that you have a happy life in general. all of you.

i'm from greece,athens. yay~

where are you guys from?

➼what is your motivation to write?

would i sound cheesy if i said my readers? all of you guys. you're so sweet and caring towards me. it just makes me want to hug and protect all of you (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

i want to write beautiful stories for you and make you feel happy. honestly. and your comments and kind words motivate me and brighten my days.

➼what group first got you into kpop?

exo! yehaw! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

i still listen to them. they're very good. i've just discovered more groups that i like better. 

stan their vocal line huhu!~

➼if got a chance, do you want to be an idol?

yes!! i do. a lot!!

it's actually one of my many dreams, believe it or not. i love rapping. i would love to learn how to dance. dancing is just wow. and i just want to make music for people and make them happy. because i love music. music is my life :D

➼how do you get inspiration in what you're writing?

i get inspiration from my readers. through our conversations and your sweet words. i watch movies, read quotes and just...think.

think whatever feels good about my book. 

i answered that question previously so the answer is basically the same ;)


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