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Dedicated to: atinydinosaur

Dedicated to: atinydinosaur

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"leave me alone!".

"no y/n! please...don't do this to yourself".

 you frantically ran to your shared bedroom,removing your coat with a hasty pace. your arms and legs were shaking,feeling tears welling up in your puffy eyes. you were tired of everything. tired of life. of your work. of him...

"i've had enough talking about this wooyoung! now leave me alone!!",you screamed with all your might,not caring that it was past midnight,upon hearing him approaching the room with rapid steps.

"no y/n! i wanna stay! let's talk about this...'',he offered with a begging voice,trying his best to figure out what's wrong. you hadn't been yourself lately and he felt as though someone was playing with him.

"alright!",you sighed,closing the door with a defeaning thud. "let's talk about...oh! how shitty my job is!",you said with a sad smile,the tears in your eyes starting to slowly escape. wooyoung looked at you with compassion,his mouth slightly agape,his eyes fluttering. maybe to prevent his own tears from falling or maybe to fully absorb your current outburst.

"come on wooyoung! you said you wanted to talk about it! let's talk about it!!",you yelled frustratingly,leaning against the chair you had previously placed your coat on.

but he kept looking at you with that same gaze,one that you utterly hated at that moment because you knew well that you looked pitiful.

"let's talk about the fact that my boss gave me work that wasn't even mine!". you inhaled deeply,counting your problems with your fingertips. "or about how my co-worker,who is also my friend,blamed me for something that she had done!!",you kept ranting,feeling your heart rate increasing. "or about how my boss yelled at me that my skirt is too short,when rebecca's was obviously shorter!! so what the fuck is wrong with my skirt wooyoung??! what is it??!".

running your hands through your messy hair,you anxiously paced back and forth.

"i mean...some people can be so fucking stupid and...and heartless!!"

your mouth was drying and it was difficult to hear anything else apart from your own trembling voice and heels clicking against the wooden floor.

you could feel the anger boiling up inside you,increasing even more when realizing that wooyoung was still standing in front of you,saying nothing. 

his eyes had never left yours since the beginning of your endless ranting. his gaze was soft,listening to everything that you had to say with patience. but you were too blind to realize at that moment. everything seemed blurry to you,except from the problems that had been bombarding you lately.

"will you fucking say anything??!",you sighed with annoyance.

he was slightly taken aback by your cruelty,but it wasn't the right time for him to say that. you needed somebody. somebody to comfort you and listen to your worries quietly,with no interruptions nor judgement. because you were obviously not okay. somebody to hug you and tell you,reassure you that everything will be okay. that it's okay not to be fine. it's okay to cry. it's okay to yell.

and that's what he did.

he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close,gently rubbing your arm. despite the heaviness in your stomach,it fluttered at the feeling of your body pressed against his. you sunk into the warmth of his side,appreciative of the simple gesture. his touch made the room warmer somehow,your life within its walls seeming a little less bleak.

you pulled him closer,placing your hands around his waist and buried your face in his chest,taking in his natural scent. 

"i'm sorry",you choked,barely holding back your tears.

a few of them managed to escape,landing on wooyoung's brand new hoodie,yet he didn't seem to care. all he could think about was how precious and small you looked inside his arms. he sensed the need to protect you from everything. 

he moved a few strands of hair behind your ear and whispered softly into it. "it's okay baby. i'm here. i'm not going anywhere".

his hands felt soft against your back,slowly caressing it with affection. feeling his hot breath against your neck,then the tender brush of lips,your heart burnt as they made contact with the skin of your neck. he ran his hand through your hair,while placing gentle kisses everywhere,knowing well that they calmed you down.

you felt your body relaxing in his touch,closing your eyes at the sensation.

"wooyoung...",you sighed,pulling away to look at his dark eyes.

yet you couldn't find yourself confidently staring back at his,embarrassed with your previous actions. he seemed unbothered,as though nothing had happened,as though you had just shared the most passionate kiss in the world.

"are you mad at me?",you asked with a hesitant voice,afraid of his reply. your hands clutched stronger onto the fabric of his hoodie,anticipating whatever he was about to say.

he slowly wiped a running tear of yours with his thumb. "i can't get mad at you princess. you know that".

you could do nothing but stare at the lifeless floor. sometimes you even found yourself thinking that there was no possible way you deserved this man as your boyfriend. everything about him. every little detail of his. every inch of his skin. you loved every part of him. 

"now i think..."

he began,placing his forehead on top of yours.

"...that i should make something for you to eat,since you must be starving. and...after that you should cuddle your perfect boyfriend because he's perfect",he smiled cheekily and quickly pecked your cheek.

you giggled at his cuteness,feeling happy tears forming in your eyes.

you cupped his cheeks,kissing him with every emotion in your body. 

"he really is..."

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