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Member: Yunho

Genre: Fluff

Name: y/n

Next Imagine: Seonghwa

a sharp hiss of pain unwillingly escaped from your lips,as yunho caressed the wound on your back. you felt his hand abruptly pulling away from it.

''i'm sorry y/n...does it hurt a lot? should i stop?''. 

you could sense the genuine worry that was coloring his whispering voice,but you didn't want him to stop. it was sure aching as hell,although it's been already two years since you first obtained it. it was deep and red,with your flesh popping out here and there.

''i'm okay yunho. please don't stop''.

you felt him hesitating,as he didn't want to hurt you further more. he already acknwoledged himself as the responsible one,even though you had told him so many times before that you loved him and didn't regret your decision. not in the slightest.

it was after a few seconds,that you felt his warm touch against your back once again. you let out a sigh of relief and closed your eyes,drifting away from his soft caress.

''do you miss your wings?''.

you quickly shook your head. 

in the past,you were yunho's guardian angel. your obligation was to follow him around and make sure that he never gets hurt. you tried your best as his guardian angel,but you sometimes failed. these kind of days meant nothing to you. you,however,got to know the amazing person that yunho was and you felt thankful that you were actually protecting somebody so sweet and caring. you had protected other people many times before,but he was different. 

one day,he accidentally saw you falling from the sky and was extremely taken aback. that surely wasn't supposed to happen,but you managed to handle the situation well. you calmly explained everything to him. at first,he didn't believe you and you couldn't blame him. after a while,nonetheless,he found himself being drawn towards your sweet and calm personality. 

he called himself crazy,but actually believed you afterwards. the following days were filled with you and yunho being together most of the time. a genuine relationship blossomed from something so strange and unusual. a few months later,he asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend. you gladly agreed,seeing that you had fallen in love with him. you already kinda knew him afterall.

without hesitating,you gave up your wings along with your immortality and became a human. yunho cried when you told him what you did for him and that merely made him love and cherish you even more than before.

two years after,your relationship was the same and maybe even stronger. you were currently sitting on the rooftop of your apartment,enjoying the producing noises of the city. for the two of you,everything seemed silent. that nobody surrounded you. that nobody could bother you. it was just you and him.

''everything that i did was for me and you to be together''. he stopped his caress and turned you around. ''i know baby...'',he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and connected it with his,as he looked deeply into your eyes. ''...i know''.

you smiled and he smiled back,but you saw it fading away after a while. ''but...what if i'm not the one for you? what if....what if you did all this for nothing?''.

your heart began aching at his words. you couldn't imagine your life without him in it. ''i don't regret being with you...'',you murmured,cuddling up closer to his body. ''...i can spend the rest of my life with you now and i don't want anything else'',you smiled towards the ending of your sentence,as you felt yunho's beating heart intensifying against your ear. he tightened his grip around you and placed a soft kiss on top of your head.

''i'm so lucky to have you my angel'',he whispered. you smiled at the cute nickname he's given you and lifted your head to look at him. he looked down and you felt as though you were seeing galaxies in his eyes. he was mesmerizing.

i watched as his eyes slowly flickered from my eyes down to my lips,then back up again. i leaned in closer until our noses were touching. his breath was tickling my lips as he did the same. as he leaned in,i tried my best to calm my racing heart,but it was futile. we hadn't even kissed yet,but i was already breathless. his head slowly tilted,capturing me in a kiss with his soft lips. he gently pulled me closer,until i could feel every muscle of his body against mine and he ran his thumb down my cheek in the softest way.

as he deepened the kiss,i found myself unable to resist. he was passionate,but gentle. he treated my lips as if they were the most valuable thing in the world. and only when he pulled away to catch his breath,did i feel empty and cold. i found myself blushing,noticing that his lips were plumper and more red than before.

we were both catching our breaths,as we were wordlessly staring into each other's eyes. i found myself being lost in them and the loud noises of the city were now long forgotten. he was the one that broke the eye contact,since he felt his cheeks starting to become the same color as his lips.

''i love you yunho''.

his gaze turned back to look into my eyes.

''i love you too my angel''.

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