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Member: Jongho

Name: y/n

Genre: Fluff

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you were currently sitting on the couch with Jongho,not doing anything in particular. he was playing a game on his phone,whilst lightly playing with random strands of your hair. you had placed your head on his lap and closed your eyes,enjoying his presence. 

your tv screen was pitch black,the movie that had been previously playing was long forgotten. you had invited him to spend the night with you,since you were bored and had nothing better to do. it was also Jongho's free day,so he gladly accepted your invitation and immediately came over.

one the one hand,you merely wanted to relax and sleep. school had been killing you lately,with the result of having to stay awake until very late to study and,at the same time,you had an extreme lack of sleep. but,on the other hand,you wanted to spend more time with your boyfriend.

his schedule was heavy as well these past couple of weeks and you hadn't seen him at all. you were surely calling him every night to see how his day had been,even if that lasted for a minute,but it was obviously not the same.

Jongho also hoped to spend some time with you,but seeing you being so tired made his heart ache and came to the conclusion that it would be better to leave you rest. he knew how much you liked it when other people play with your hair and that's what he was currently doing. 

his eyes were frequently leaving his phone to look at your face,to admire you whilst you were peacefully sleeping and to slightly smile to himself,because he found you very cute. at certain points,his legs were in pain,not only because of practice,but also because you had stayed in the exact same position for the past 30 minutes now. he decided,however,not to bother you or say anything to interrupt your sleep. he held his pain and winces to himself and continued to play with your hair.

you convinced yourself that you had to put your weariness aside and spend some time with him. you didn't know when you were going to see him again and that thought made you want to jump in his arms and never let go. 

you suddenly removed your head from his lap,earning his attention. 

''do you want me to do your makeup??'',you asked excitingly.

he pretented to think for a bit and placed his fingers on top of his chin.


he ofcourse wanted to tease you. he didn't want to show the fact that he was actually extremely happy that you were not sleeping anymore. he almost fanboyed outwardly when he saw your cheeks,which were painted with a hint of red because of your nap. 

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