❤️falling asleep on their chest (maknae line)❤️

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you were at san's house for a sleepover, currently playing a video game. you were competing against each other intensely, shouting and pushing to distract one another. 

while waiting for the second round to load, san had his arm around you, whispering how happy he felt that you were there. an intimate moment filled the atmosphere and you shuffled sheepishly closer to him. 

he accepted you deeper into his arms, hugging your waist and burying his face in your neck. he loved teasing you by blowing softly on it. you could feel every single beat of his heart on your back, sending warmth all over your body. he continued whispering sweet words into your ear and you couldn't do much but smile with the usual rosy color on your cheeks. 

when the second game finally loaded, you had managed to fall asleep by his soothing voice and comfortable embrace. his arms were just too comforting to sleep in. san didn't even realize until your character stood still, whilst his ran rapidly to beat yours. 

he looked down and saw your face squished cozily onto his chest, taking in small breaths and letting them out. you appeared too cute in his eyes to be woken up, so after admiring your restful face for a good ten minutes, he carried you bridal style and placed you on his bed gently. he covered your bodies with warm blankets and took you in his arms again, not forgetting to place a soft goodnight kiss on your forehead.


you had agreed to help mingi with his anticipated mixtape, currently being at his studio working on lyrics. both of you were tired, yet had each other and stayed motivated. you knew how important this was to mingi and how badly he wanted to impress his fans with his skills, so you tried your best to help him with anything he wanted.

you were sitting side by side, exchanging ideas and scribbling down a few of them. you loved watching mingi's serious and passionate side, since he always acted cheerful and cute in front of you. your faces were too close for just working partners, but none of you seemed to mind or say anything.

he noticed that you were sleepy at some point, your eyes gradually fluttering and closing, yet you didn't want to say something and disturb his inspiration. "come here." he whispered and opened his arms for you.

despite your complaints, he pulled you in his chest and gave you a back hug. "just sleep and i will wake you up when we have to leave." he whispered again and kissed your temple. you didn't want this moment to end.

and just like that, you easily fell asleep for the first time in mingi's warm embrace. the steady sound of his heartbeat, his occasional mumbles and the soft sound of the pen against the writing paper. everything was utterly peaceful.


you were on a date with wooyoung at a park. the weather was perfect that day, a light breeze dancing around and a few clouds hovering above your heads, so he decided to take you out on a picnic date.

he cooked everything for you, paying attention to the smallest details and your favorite flavors. he even brought blankets with him in case you got colder than expected.

you sat under a blossomed tree and ate with great delight, exchanging a few words here and there until his laughter was all that could be heard. he took great care of you, fed you and kept asking to see if you were feeling pleased and comfortable.

when you finished eating, you lied down and gazed at the scattered stars, glowing above you. the sky was full of them and kept you company.

at one point, you asked him if he wanted to come closer but he shook his head and told you to move towards him instead. his chest was warm and broad, giving you the feeling of complete assurance. he hugged you tightly and covered you with one of his blankets, saying that he wasn't cold. 

he then started counting the stars and explaining to you what each one of them symbolized. his voice was soft and calm unlike other moments. it felt like velvet against your skin. it provided you inner peace and led you to close your eyes slowly without even realizing. everything appeared so perfect, so secure with him. 

when he suddenly looked down and saw you sleeping peacefully, he almost screamed out of happiness. you were clutching tightly onto his hoodie and your legs were tangled with his. he decided not to wake you up and disturb your tranquility.

and despite how late it was, he stayed with you until you woke up by yourself. you were utterly confused but wooyoung broke into a goofy smile and showered your face with tiny kisses. 


it was late at night when you felt a sudden pain in your stomach. you tried your best to brush it off at first, yet the ache was immense and your body weak because of the sleep.

jongho was resting beside you when he heard your soft whimpers and he literally jumped to get closer to you. "what's wrong?" he asked gently. you told him not to worry about it, but he insisted, so you eventually described the soreness you felt. 

without saying anything, he got dressed and went to the nearest store to buy the essential pain killers and your favorite snacks, knowing your growing appetite at these moments. 

when he got back, he immediately brew your favorite tea and made a small sandwitch. you didn't expect him to do so many things this late at night, but when you saw the genuine worry on his face, you knew he made these from the bottom of his heart.

he stayed by your side whilst you were eating, rubbing your stomach and back gently. he fed you from time to time and blew the tea so you won't get burned. he also talked about anything that came to his mind in order to distract your attention from the pain. he then brought you closer and told you to relax and feel comfortable. you hadn't seen him caring that much before, yet he said that it was his obligation to take care of you in the hardest times. 

you let yourself fall asleep on his warm chest, relaxed by his touch and angelic voice. you woke up the next day, only to find your smaller body still placed cozily into his embrace and jongho staring affectionately at your sleeping figure. 

he continued to take care of you for the next few days, but he didn't stop there and that's why you truly loved him. 

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