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Member: Seonghwa

Genre: Fluff

Dedicated to: spicyn00dles

Dedicated to: spicyn00dles

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''the morning after...''

'so...this is how you make love to a woman'.

that was your first thought the moment you opened your eyes,the soft sound of the rain against your window helping you to calm yourself. you were staring at the bland ceiling of seonghwa's bedroom,but your mind was filled with so many vivid thoughts. 

you slowly turned your head around to face him. your first wouldn't take anything back from that day. you observed how his chest was steadily rising and falling,his lips were slightly apart from each other,allowing him to take in the morning oxygen. his hair was kinda messy,but you liked it.

you remember running your hands through it,harshly grabbing it at some points where he continued to make passionate love to you. you remember him biting his lower lip when you would unconsciously scratch his back or the so many euphoric times when he would whisper sweet and intimate words to your ear. you couldn't forget the hair that was sticking on his forehead...

just everything. everything went perfectly.

you've always been concerned with whom you would share your first time. it was an important matter to you. you didn't want to waste it on somebody that doesn't truly love you,that doesn't respect you or accept your insecurities and flaws. people at your age have normally lost their virginity by now. even so,you preferred to wait.

wait for the person who will wait for you as well when you'd not feel ready yet. wait for somebody who will not make fun of your inexperience or shame. you wanted that someone to treat you like a princess,so that you could treat him like a king.

and that somebody was no other than seonghwa. 

you kept staring at his perfect features. you wondered how someone could be this handsome. you reached out to gently caress his cheek and slowly lowered your hand to his jawline and then to his neck. you lightly giggled when you felt his goosebumps form under your touch. 

a deep moan escaped from his pink lips,licking their dryness away afterwards. he broke into the brightest smile you had ever seen when you reached his sensitive spot on his collarbone. he wasn't a morning person and you knew that well,as he fully covered himself under the sheets. you couldn't help but laugh at his rare childness.

pictures from last night were suddenly drawn into your mind once again,a light blush crept its way onto your cheeks. you compared his behavior from that special night to now and your mind just couldn't comprehend the huge gap between his sweet,caring personality and his more dominant side,the one that was mainly revealed the night before. 

he whined when you yanked the sheets away from him,his naked body not being used to the cold weather. 

''wake up handsome'',you giggled.

he smiled at you and placed his hand on the back of your head,pulling you to the crook of his neck so that you can be warmer. you gladly accepted his gesture and buried your face in it. he felt content and safe when your warm breath made contact with his skin. 

''did you sleep well?'',he softly asked,stroking your hair as gently as he could.

you merely nodded,not wanting to voice out anything and tear apart your coziness. 

''you woke me up and you're not even talking to me now?'',he pouted.

you laughed and pulled away so that you can face him. ''sorry...i'm all yours now'',you said whilst smiling at him.

''yes you are baby'',he whispered huskily.

he ran his thumb through your cheek,your faces inches away from one another. his loving stare made you fall for him even more,if that's possible. 

''you don't regret you?'',he asked worriedly. he knew how much this meant to you. you've talked about it many times before. he never made fun of you. instead,he completely understood and respected the thoughts you were having about this matter. he waited for you.

''of course not...'',you reassured him. 

you noticed him looking down for a mere second,a hint of read was painting his ears and cheekbones.

''would you like to do it again...?''.

your eyes widened at his boldness,although you couldn't deny that you wanted to feel the same way you felt last night. you thought that you'd never get tired of that euphoric sensation. seonghwa made you feel comfortable in your own skin. you revealed yourself to him and he accepted every inch of you. 

he began to place soft kisses on your neck and collarbone,wanting you to give in to his touch. your eyes fluttered at the sensation and you smiled,thinking to yourself how lucky you were. 

you pulled the sheets above your heads,as seonghwa began to make you feel as though you were the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. 

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