*i miss you*(San)

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Member: San

Genre: Fluff

Name: Anne

Dedicated to: Stay_or_atiny

Next Imagine: Seonghwa

Note: this is a part two for my second imagine with San:) also,i'm sorry if it's too short.

''it's okay...you can talk to me''.

you whispered as softly as you could to your misty-eyed husband. he couldn't hold back anymore. not after he heard you saying that. he was really trying his best. especially now that you had to take care of Emily all by yourself. especially now that his baby girl had to get used to his absence at such a young age. but everyone has a breaking point. and he reached his. he reached it the moment that sentence slipped away from your lips.

a tear ran down his cheek and he quickly wiped it off with his hurt hand.

''no San...don't'',you told him sternly. you had enough of his kindness. you had enough of him putting other people's needs first. since you didn't want to come off as mad or annoyed,you sheepishly wiped away his tear through the screen,subsequently earning a sad chuckle from him.

''i'm sorry Anne. it's just...hard for me''. his eyes couldn't look at yours,even though his face was very close to the camera.

''what is it babe?''.


his lower lip began to tremble. you could see his eyes were starting to become somehow puffy. there was so much silence. the gentle drops of rain against your window were trying to calm you down.

''...everything'',he choked up. he was shaking,having a breakdown and you could do nothing about it. you just wanted to teleport to his hotel bedroom and hug him. just hug him all day. comfort him with sweet words,whisper to him that everything will be okay,rub his back,run your hand through his soft hair,kiss him,hold him in your arms and never let go. 

but you couldn't. and that thought merely made you crazy. that's why you reached your breaking point as well. you saw him holding his hurt hand and cry. cry so much. 

''San...''. he looked up at you with his sweet eyes. to see them being filled with so much pain and sadness made your heart ache even more. ''...i'm sorry you're hurting so much. and i'm sorry that i'm not there for you...by your side'',you whispered. 

he was about to object but you continued. ''of course you're sad. we all are when we're facing difficulties. so...so please,don't feel bad about that. okay?''. his eyes filled with further tears,but he nodded anyways. you were glad that he was hearing you so well. 

''now...would you like to tell me everything that's been bothering you?'',you asked gently. you were trying your best to keep your tears restrained,not only having your husband in your mind but your asleep daughter as well. 

you saw him hesitating. slightly opening his mouth to speak,only for it to be closed again after a matter of seconds. you knew your husband too well. you already knew that he wanted to speak to you. that he wanted his worries to be heard by his wife. but the thought of you carrying so many worries in your mind and back made him ache. ache so badly. why does he have to speak to you? don't you have so many worries already? don't you have Emily? can't he solve them by himself?

''i-it's...it's a choreo that's been killing me'',he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. ''i...i can't seem to get it right''. 

you nodded understandingly. his group have so many difficult choreographies. you obviously knew that,having seen already their dance practice videos so many times. you were also aware of the fact that your husband is an amazing dancer. he usually struggles to get them right,but you've never seen that side of him. you thought that their current choreo's difficulty must be on a whole another level.

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