YUNHO IMAGINE(ft. Yeosang)

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I know that,in my previous chapter,I said that this imagine is going to be with San,but I just need a clarification from the person that requested it and I'm waiting for her response. Don't worry I'll still write it. Since,someone requested an imagine with Yunho...heeere it is:D

Member: Yunho

Name: Lee Arim

Genre: Jealousy fluff,kinda angst

Lee Arim's POV

I examined my reflection in the mirror one last time,contemplating whether I'm satisfied with the way I look or not. I was wearing a white,lace top and black high-waisted shorts with converse shoes,not wanting to go too overboard. My outfit was accompanied by a cute handmade bracelet that my mom designed as a birthday present and a beaded necklace that surprisingly suited with my current look. My hair was styled in a,not too tight,ponytail and since I didn't want it to be that plain, I simply curled them a bit towards the endings. Lastly,my makeup consisted of a soft,natural look in which my rosy cheeks,my pinkish lips and my defined eyebrows were definitely a finishing touch for a perfect look.

My mouth curved into a smile,feeling confident after a long time. That tense and nervous feeling that used to overcome my body these past couple of weeks was now gone and I felt contended. School exams were finally over and the only thing I wanted to do now was just to relax and have fun.

That's why me and my two best friends decided to go watch a movie. It's been such a long time since we've hung out so I'm looking forward to this,and a lot actually. Me,Yunho and Yeosang have been inseparable forasmuch as I remember,but studying beat us in this one. We,obviously,talked at school but it wasn't the same. Our minds were constantly occupied with negative thoughts and were wondering if we're going to fail or not.

I tried to shake these thoughts away,not wishing for another round of continuously thinking the stress I've been dealing with,so I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I was expecting a message from Yunho any minute now,which would indicate that they've arrived to pick me up with his car. I felt quite anxious and my heart was beating at an unnormal pace. It's been a while since I've seen them and I missed them a lot. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I received the,long-awaited,text message.


'We're heere❤️'

I softly giggled to myself and walked a few blocks ahead to meet them. 

When I saw Yunho's car I sprinted all the way there. They were already waiting for me outside the car. 

Author's POV

Both of the males' faces brightened up at the sight of their childhood friend. They missed her. A lot. It was obvious from miles apart that these boys,one as well as the other,were in love with this girl. Lee Arim.

How their whole faces lit up everytime they see her or her name is mentioned, how sadness clouds their features when she's hurt physically, how their expressions softens when she's hurt mentally, how their cheeks turn into a light shade of pink whenever she smiles to the way they force a smile to creep up into their lips at any moment they're being introduced as ''best friends''.

But they hated being ungrateful. They felt beholden to have her by their sides. She was perfect to their eyes.

Of course,the two male best friends knew well of their mutual feelings they shared for Arim. I guess they just didn't want to admit it. They didn't want to lose each other because of an unreasonable fight. They were scared. They've come to the conclusion,not compulsory by discussing about it regularly but they both felt,that it would be best if she was the one to decide,and that if her final decision includes one of them as her boyfriend,they'll accept it either way. Maybe she didn't like any of them. But everyone says that,the majority of times,there can't be just a simple friendship between a guy and a girl. So they had their hopes.

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