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Dedicated to: hyperstarlight1

Dedicated to: hyperstarlight1

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they sat on a bench that day. they'd usually go for something more extreme after many hours of working to let off steam. yet that particular day was too beautiful to waste.

the moonlight hit the calm water, as the small waves barely reached their calves. the water was cold and refreshing. the sun was suffocating during the day. she put on her thin jacket and he noticed. "do you need mine?" he asked, ready to remove it in a matter of seconds if she said yes.

her bare feet danced below the water, a few rose petals landing on them graciously from the cherry blossom above their heads. she shook her head and caught a falling petal out of luck. it was light pink with a few white dots here and there. it balanced on her cold fingertips, until she blew it gently, watching it fall slowly, before floating on the crystal clear surface.

he watched her every single move and fell in utter peace. his feet swayed below the sea as well, dancing with a music that he was only able to hear, moving them rythmically with hers, creating a perfect choreo. 

the slight touch of their skins sent vibrations into the water, awakening every creature below. they beheld a sight that only them were able to see, yet the male and female sitting on a bench side by side were the only ones able to describe what they felt.

he looked over at her with no shame. gazing and admiring. it suddenly hit him how beautiful she was. how her imperfections, the things she would usually ramble about, appeared as the most fertile land in his dark eyes. how her hair curled towards the end, yet the rest of it was straight. he had this sudden urge to reach out and feel its softeness on his bare fingertips. 

how he couldn't see her eyes, but he knew they had this sparkle whenever she got excited. they had the right  shade of brown. how her lips curved upwardly with the smallest thing; right then a petal got stuck on her foot because of the water. 

"what is it?" she asked, waking him up.

what could he say? that he suddenly found her beautiful after all these years of friendship? that he suddenly couldn't think straight or form a proper word in front of her?

"it's nothing." he mumbled, his eyes returning to gaze at the colorless water. "got distracted."

again...what could she say? that she wanted him to see her as the most beautiful girl in the world? that he was the one person she did not expect to fall in love with?

"okay..." she replied tonelessly, even though she didn't want to. not before she admired him for a bit as well. his perfectly structured nose. his long, dark eyelashes. his thin lips that held so many secrets she wanted to be aware of. she wanted to know every inch of him, every embarrassing little secret he held inside of him. not to feel special or giggle at a weird habit of his.

but to let him know that he didn't have to hide in front of her. he could be free. the person he wanted and craved to be.

what could they say? this feelings were not normal for friends. this warmth, this affection. the inability to breath when the other talked about something simple or rambled about something they loved. the heart fluttering moments when the other one did nothing. like reading a book or gazing at the sunset. the continuous thoughts of the other before falling asleep. imagining and creating scenarios that might not even happen.

because they were scared. afraid that the other one would find it weird. terrified to cut they longtime rope of their friendship.

they were still friends right? they still trusted one another like family. they still talked about things that nobody else was able to hear. they still treasured one another. because nobody else would be able to understand them.  

"it's getting late." yeosang observed. the sky got even darker, creating a beautiful contrast with the glowing moon. the gentle breeze swirled against their skins, a sound of discomfort escaping her trembling lips. 

"i told you to dress more warmly." he spoke, placing his jacket on her shoulders. do friends even do that? he didn't know.

"let's go." hyper said and got up to leave. 

"can't we stay a little longer?" he asked softly. "i don't want to go home yet." and leave you, he wanted to add.

she glanced at her phone and furrowed her eyebrows. her parents would be furious. yet the moment she looked up to say no, her eyes met his.

and there she was again. sitting beside him peacefully, the tree and the sea keeping them company. they found themselves staying there for another hour, gazing wordlessly at the extending horizon. yet the silence engulfing them had more words and meanings than any other written book. 

that was until they reached her home. his was closer to the sea. but he never had the guts to leave her alone, always making sure she arrived safely. even when the rays of the sun were hitting her eyes and honey skin.

she gave him his jacket back, noticing the tiny goosebumps all over his arms. "thank you." she mumbled and pointed at the jacket that was now embracing his colder body. 

he whispered it back, with the difference that he referred to the day that passed by. from getting a cup of hot coffee in the early morning to the moment their feet touched below the mystical water. 

"goodnight." both of them whispered. 

and that was it. another day with no revelations. another endurance of so many different feelings. bottling them inside their chest, they were afraid that one day the lid would come off and both of them would just erupt...

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