*soft for you*(Yeosang)

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Member: Yeosang

Name: Mei(random one)

Genre: Fluff/Bad boy au

Dedicated to: NabilaTBF

Next Imagine: Jongho

''just say it''.


''the thing you said earlier''.



''because i don't want to''.

''come ooon,you already said it so what's the problem?''.

he didn't respond.

''say it''.


''say it''.


''say it!!''.


you tried your best not to burst out laughing or immediately jump in his arms. yeosang stood unbothered in front of the mirror,his eyes glued to his lip piercing. he absentmindedly licked it to keep his head occupied with something else other than his earlier sentence and your embarrassed form sitting on the edge of his bed.

he was acting as if nothing had happened. he continued fixing his bangs,while you stood up walking towards him. you were in the mood to tease him. 

you sheepisly placed your head on his shoulder and gave him a backhug,not knowing how else to show him that that sentence had a huge impact on you. you smiled to yourself when he didn't push you away like he usually does. let's just say your boyfriend is not the biggest fan of skinship or generally people being close to him. 

it's not that he doesn't love you. it's just hard for him to express how he feels most of the time,so he gets easily embarrassed. he's been hurt a lot in the past,so it's hard for him to trust people. 

that's when you came into his life. you were different from his other acquaintances. you didn't judge him. and you never did. you never mentioned his preference on dark clothing,or his uncountable tattoos,or his lip piercing that most of his previous girlfriends complained about.

you loved him for who he was and you'd never change anything about him. and that's why he loved you back. you had been dating for almost a year now and it was obvious to you and to his small group of friends that he acted different around you.

you had a soft place in his heart. a place that noone has managed to reach. not even his own parents,who weren't exactly fond of their son's dark image. 

''do you really mean that'',you asked when you finally felt more confident.

''just get ready please'',he replied,but you managed to catch a glimpse of him trying not to smile.

you merely giggled and placed a quick kiss on his cheek,which he gladly accepted. you went to get dressed for your date,the word excitement written all over your face. 

you decided to go for a casual outfit since your date consisted nothing but a simple walk in a nearby park. you weren't complaining though. you just wanted to be with him. anywhere would be fine.


''Mei quit looking at the flowers and let's just go'',yeosang sighed dramatically.

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