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Member: San

Genre: Fluffy

Name: Anne

Dedicated to: MusicInMySoul

Next Imagine: Wooyoung

I tucked her up as carefully and gently as I could,not wanting to disturb her current peaceful state. It took me a while to achieve it,so the agitation of her sleeping condition would definitely be the last thing that I needed at that time.

With a caress far more gentle than any silk,I touched my daughter's forehead using light upward strokes before placing a light kiss on it. I took a few steps back at a leisurely pace,seeking the perfect thorough view of my baby girl.

After its discovery,I proudly situated my self on it,not forgetting my initial purpose. I quietly stared at her petite figure. I kept on wondering at that moment,how small and harmless us,human beings,are when we are babies. I prayed she'd stay like that forever. I'm going to try my best on keeping her that way. 

Emily is,undoubtedly,the best thing that has ever happened to me. With my husband being abroad most of the time,owing to his busy schedule as a singer,Emily is my personal consolation,my own treasure. She gifts me with her company,the best tight hugs,daily butterly kisses,her sweet laughter resonating everywhere,making its way into my ears like a mellow melody coming out from a brand new piano.

Her radiant smile is my favorite thing about her. I'm glad she inherited that feature from her father. Becoming heir to his deep dimples,made both of them impossible to duplicate. 

I've also missed their interactions. Just...observing them playing tirelessly for hours with a motherly smile plastered on my lips. I'm being rewarded everyday by their soft giggles which,as you can imagine,are an agreeable sound to my ears.

Unfortunately,these past couple of months have been difficult for me. Taking care of Emily all by myself,since San is currently on tour with his group,is a requisite sacrifice the two of us agreed on enduring from the moment we were discussing the subject of marriage.

Dating a kpop idol and,moreover,being married with one,came with a lot of immolations and aftereffects. We've been through a lot of phases,where we were having thoughts about breaking up. Fights,disagreements,yelling,uncontrollable tears had become an unbreakable part of our daily lives. 

Mercifully,with the preponderance of mutual respect and understanding,all of the above came into a sudden,yet favorable,halt.

On top of that,with the birth of Emily,we felt as if we were invincible. This gift we were rewarded with,merely made our bond even stronger. We couldn't be any happier.

It was not only me that was struggling from the absence of San's presence though. Since her father left,Emily became more whiny,picky about what she eats and ill-tempered. It was apparent that she missed San and I couldn't do a lot of things about solving that.

Whenever he's free,we facetime or call each other and prattle on any small detail we can come up with at that instant. Emily tears up every time San's face spurts one the screen,but I know that if she doesn't see him at least once a day she won't be able to sleep.

So I suppose I shouldn't have been suprised when San informed us he wouldn't be able to talk today owing to his suffocating schedule. The primary handling of the situation by Emily was perfect,catching me off guard. No tears nor screeching,just her accepting the fact that her dad is busy and incapable of contacting us.

It was the aftermath that startled me at 2am in the morning.

Author's POV

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