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Member: Mingi

Genre: Fluff

Name: y/n

Dedicated to: all of you ehe

Next Imagine: Hongjoong

(this is a christmas one yeet)

''Mingi,where did you put the star??''.

''right here baby'',he answered happily while pointing at himself.

you rolled your eyes,but a smile creeped up its way unconsciously onto your lips. ''Mingiiiiii'',you whined.

''alright alright'',he chuckled and gave you the star.

you made your way to the christmas tree,satisfied with the way it turned out and relieved at the same time that its decoration was finally over. you and Mingi had been enriching its already beautiful image for two hours now. it was a tiresome process,but all the time spent on it was definitely worth it. 

it was yours and Mingi's first christmas together,so you wanted everything to be perfect and well made. from the cookies that you had spent hours on baking,to the golden dust that you had sparkled over every single ornament.

in reality,your boyfriend did almost nothing. he was too busy goofing and playing around,occasionally teasing you,eating the cookies and holding a mistletoe above your heads in every single chance that he could get. you should have been annoyed,that he just left all  the hard work for you. but you couldn't. he was just too adorable.  

you tried tiptoeing,in order to reach the tree's peak and place the star that Mingi actually bought. but after a few seconds,you realized that you couldn't do it by yourself. 


his head popped out of the kitchen,whilst his mouth was full of your baked cookies. 

''can you please help me??''.

he nodded like a little kid and wiped his hands on his christmas sweatpants.he gently wrapped his arms around your stomach and lifted your body closer to the top of the tree. a squeaky noise accidentally slipped away from your lips,but you finally managed to add the finishing touch. 

Mingi put you down and screamed out of happiness,lifting his arms up in victory. you turned around to face him and lightly smacked his chest,wiping his smile away. ''couldn't you just put it yourself?''. he smirked and shook his head as a no. you jokingly rolled your eyes once again,but chuckled when he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head.

''come on let's go eat'',you said and he quickly reacted by following you like a small child.

the kitchen was a mess,which surprised you,but then you remembered that you and Mingi had a huge food fight while baking the cookies. sugar and  flour were covering the counters,whipped cream on the walls and lastly,tiny pieces of cookies were coating the concrete floor,which was without a doubt Mingi's achievement.

you decided that you'd clean everything after Mingi was gone and sat down quickly to give yourself a rest. a sigh emitted from your lips and your boyfriend noticed. he sprinted towards you and began massaging your shoulders. you chuckled at his kindness and thanked him. 

for a few minutes,the kitchen was filled with nothing but silence. Mingi was still rubbing your shoulders,while you had your eyes closed and enjoyed his gentle touch.

''i'm sorry that i made a mess''.

''it's okay Mingi'',you chuckled.

he shrugged his shoulders,even though you weren't looking. ''i guess...i got too excited'',he said. you could hear the pout on his lips,so you turned your head to look at him. you couldn't help but smile.

''Mingi it's really okay'',you comforted him again,sitting up and wrapping your hands around his neck. you felt his hands on your waist as well.

''it's just that i don't see you that often because of our schedules and stuff and...spending christmas with you is really fun. i want to make it worth it.'',he whispered with a smile on his face.

''i'm glad you feel that way Mingi'',you replied,returning his contagious smile. you softly booped his nose and he cutely squeezed his eyes and giggled. 

you rested your head on top of his chest,blushing the moment you heard his beating heart. he wrapped you further into his arms and you took that as a chance to bury your face in his neck. you both began swaying slowly,appreciating the comfortable silence that was surrounding you.

''oh y/n...there's something else that i need to tell you''.

''what is it?''.

''i ate all the cookies''.

''i ate all the cookies''

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