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Dedicated to: spicyn00dles

rain gently poured from the evening sky

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rain gently poured from the evening sky. you allowed the tears from the stars to hit your body,loving the soft feeling against your skin. you closed your eyes and let your fingertips gather a few rain drops. you lost that beautiful feeling when you opened your eyes and noticed an umbrella placed above your head. a warm arm wrapped around your waist,pulling you into a broad,familiar chest.

''what are you doing outside crazy?'',seonghwa chuckled with his husky voice in your ear. 

you already knew how weird it was for a person to stand in the middle of the street while it was raining. but you didn't care. your weird personality was what made your boyfriend fall in love with you after all.

''you know how much i love rain babe'',you replied and placed your hands above his.

''i know,but i i don't want my girl to get sick. let's go inside and warm you up. i'll make us some tea''.

you couldn't say no to such request. you pictured yourself cuddled up against seonghwa's chest,talking about whatever was in your minds and your heart fluttered at the thought. you silently obeyed and followed him inside your shared apartment. as much as you loved the rain,nothing could be compared to the feeling of being in your house. safe and relaxed. 

you quickly moved to the bathroom to dry yourself with a towel,being too lazy to take a shower or blow dry your hair.

''let me help you with that''.

you suddenly heard seonghwa's voice emitting from behind and you turned around to face him,slightly smiling and handing him the towel. he took it from your hands and started to dry your hair with it. he was very gentle with your hair,loving the soft feeling. he then delicately massaged your scalp and smiled at your giggles.


you nodded after he finished and pecked his cheek,while he placed his hand around your waist. ''come downstairs,i want to cuddle'',he whispered playfully into your ear and you obeyed by following him to the couch.

he handed you a warm cup filled with your favorite tea and sat down,not forgetting to take his as well. you placed yourself between his legs,letting your head fall back to his chest. slowly closing your eyes,you let your ears fall asleep to the soft sound of his heartbeat. it felt vulnerable and magical at the same time. 

''what are you thinking about beautiful?'',he gently asked,noticing a small smile spreading across your face. 

''you of course!''.

he chuckled and placed a warm kiss on your temple,wrapping his hands around your stomach. the sound of seonghwa's slow heartbeat in combination with the gentle rain pouring from outside and hitting your window,made you feel as though you didn't deserve to have them. they were simple things. things that any person can obtain in his life. but they made you happy. happy because you only knew one thing and you knew it for sure. 

that the moment you'd wake up,seonghwa would be there for you. he wouldn't leave nor abandon you. you were sure that you'd wake up with his heartbeat as your alarm. with his warm breath tickling your neck. his sparkling eyes staring at yours,wondering if you slept well or not. and his soft,lingering kisses making you feel like the most beautiful girl in the entire world.

''hold me closer babe''.

he whispered in your ear,before you closed your eyes and fell asleep into his arms. 

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