*is it too late?*(Jongho)

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Member: Jongho

Name: Hana

Genre: Fluff/Angst

Dedicated to: demonsatanprincess

Next Imagine: San

''remember that time we hated each other?''.

a chuckle emerged from his lips as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

''love was too complicated for me back then'',he admitted.

the lights danced across the dark sky,each color slowly fading into another. the frosty winter air bit your skin and your neck was aching from tilting your head back to see the auroras,but you could care less. the lights were beautiful,swaying and changing and illuminating the world. they could make the grinch's heart melt. their glow,their shine,everything about them was beautiful.

your light footsteps were the only thing that could be heard at that moment,your boots silently fighting with the muddy ground. you weren't exchanging any words with your boyfriend. and,honestly,none of you cared about that. just a few glances here and there,which were followed by blushing cheeks and shy smiles,were enough to make both of you happy.

the warmth of Jongho's hand was all you needed to keep your body temperature satisfied. and he felt the same way. it wasn't the scarfs,which were lightly wrapped around your necks,nor the gloves,that did an excellent job as a barrier between yours and Jongho's hand. 

you returned his squeeze to show him that he doesn't need to be embarrassed about his high-school attitude. everybody deserves a second chance. that's how you thought back then. and that's how you think now. 

you slowly turned your head to look at him,with so much compassion and affection. you were also extremely proud at his developing maturity. he felt your stare on him and immediately blushed,knowing what you were thinking about. you had already expressed all these thoughts to him. 

he gave your hand another squeeze,one more intense than the previous ones,internally praying that you'll understand he's getting more and more shy. you swiftly decoded his action,but decided to keep looking at him. just because.

he let out a sigh,one that has finally realized he's not going to easily escape from your loving stare. ''what about you?'',he whispered,breaking the silence. 

''what about me?''.

''was love complicated for you back then?''.

your eyes widened. you didn't expect such question from him. it made your heart beat at an abnormal pace.


''i said i'm sorry''.

''yeah,just like the last twenty times'',you scoffed in complete disgust.

you were desperately trying to wipe the blood off your trembling hand,the falling cold water making you shiver. your school uniform was a mess,dirt,drops of water and blood covering it. it was as though you had just fallen. that's how much pain you felt.

''well,what else do you want me to say??'',Jongho asked,an offensive tone coloring his voice.

you turned around to face him,not forgetting to turn off the water when you realized it was pointless. ''i don't want you to say anything Jongho okay??! i want you to stop treating me this way! i mean...have i done something to you??!''.

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