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Member: Wooyoung

Name: Madison

Genre: Fluff

Dedicated to: muchnct

Next Imagine: Hongjoong(vampire au)

P.S: I recommend listening to winter music while reading this. It's more pleasant,in my opinion.

I eagerly rubbed my palms together,the cold hitting my body like a million needles. I tightened my coat around it,in attempt to warm it up through the suffocating low temperature. I was reminded of it,not only from how heavily I was dressed up,but likewise from the slight,yet evident,sensation of my cheeks turning into a light shade of pink.

I lazily exhaled,my foggy breath not failing to come into my view. I started to get impatient,mostly when jogging my memory of how late it was in contrast to the time me and my best friend had previously arranged to meet up.

I've gotten used to it by now,it's been a common thing ever since we began to hang out,just the two of us. Most people would normally get annoyed but this kind of behavior,except me. His best friend. It's not like he's doing it on purpose anyways. 

I have to admit that it's been quite a few times where I wanted to rip his head off his body,especially under the circumastances of freezing temperatures like now. It's that genuine smile and apologetic words afterwards,that keep me far away from actually doing it. 

I,very simply,can't resist Wooyoung. Jung Wooyoung. My best friend for almost 5 years now.

We've both decided to go out since it's been a while. Honestly,we haven't planned anything special for tonight. It was a last minute thing,a spontaneous decision.

We were chatting each other almost 2 hours ago,just like we ordinarily do every night,when suddenly Wooyoung recommented me to go stargazing. He told me that he,without thinking much,looked up through his window which offered him the best view.

He didn't expect to see stars covering up the blue sky. Not wanting to miss this once in a lifetime chance,because of the weather,he immediately informed me too.

And that's how it happened basically. We were in need of each other's company and a getaway. It was a quiet night,perfect for stargazing. I glowered at the night sky,relieved that the stars still conquered it.

I gazed intensely down at my watch,worried that he was this late. I took my phone out of my pocket to call him,but was abruptly stopped when I heard heavy,running footsteps from the distance.

I heaved a sigh of relief,thankful that nothing happened to him. He speedily ran towards my figure,only to lock me into a tight hug the moment he managed to come closer. Just like every other time,I quickly hugged him back,breathing in his natural scent.

''Did you wait a lot?'',he softly asked,tickling my ear.

''No'',I lied to him,trying to stable my voice.

He released my body from the hug,exhaling deeply.

''You're such a liar''.

''No I'm noooot'',I said sounding offended.

''Yeah yeah..'',he replied idly.

He took out two hand warmers from the pockets of his coat and gently placed them on top my cheeks,holding them tightly. He knew how sensitive I was to cold.

''Is that better?'',he asked me,while looking at me deeply in the eyes.

I felt my heart accelerating and my cheeks were no longer pink solely from the cold. He's been always so caring to me to the point where,at times,I keep wondering if he really likes me back. Then again,the probability of him considering me as a baby sister that he never had,is extremely convincing and likely to be true.

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