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Member: Wooyoung

Genre: Highschool AU/Fluffy/Angst

Name: Hajirah

Dedicated to: hajirahssk

Next Imagine: Yunho

A gust of wind cooperated with Hajirah's unceasing efforts,her tenacious grip still holding onto the school's doorknob. If that handhold led to a different place,she would certainly be more equable. 

The lingering stares she receives every single day by her fellow classmates,isn't exactly the sight she wants to be met with this early in the morning. She didn't care. It was just so infuriating,having to deal with all of this on a daily basis.

The sudden temperature change was accompanied by a little shiver the female gave,as the wind flicked at her well-covered body one last time before she finally entered the unpleasant building.

Hajirah laid eyes on the wandering students,a blank expression written on her face. People clutching notebooks bustled about,as the ringing bell reached its deafening crescendo. She almost ripped her ears out at the hearing of that irritating noise.

An impulsive decision was made in her mind at that moment,her legs contributing as always. 

She strolled towards the school's rooftop,a personal getaway she usually resorts to on days like this one. Days in which she merely wants to be left alone,not being a huge fan of the existence of other human beings. First period was unfailingly the worst in her opinion anyways.

In the course of her saunter down the extensive,dark halls,Hajirah didn't fail to notice the usual persistent gazes. She didn't fail to hear the indistinct whispers,although their content was still crystal clear in her ears. She failed in not attracting the attention of other people.

Her wavy,black hair swung loosely,even from the slightest walking movement,her all-black outfit matching with her empty bag,her inscrutable look leading to the reason behind the exchanging,frightened glances she garners every day. 

In all sincerity,she couldn't care less.

That's why,she continued strolling towards her covetable destination,not minding the commotion across the hallway,which,nevertheless,carried on pointing her the right way. 

After a while,the students responsible for a breach of the peace were no longer observable and a worthy equanimity took place. She ended up taking a shortcut in order to avoid her teachers' presence. The female was about to heave a sigh of relief at the success of her plan,when she was abruptly cut off by violent slapping sounds and heavy pantings tearing apart the tranquility. They seemed to come out not too far away from where she stood.

Hajirah moved forward slowly,orientating herself and taking into account how great this day has started off. Not participating in first period without getting caught,plus being involved in high school drama? She was over the moon.

A sly peek behind the wall,which covered the rest of her body as well,gifted her with an absurd sight that even her rebel self couldn't stand watching. The whimpering sounds coming out of the victim's mouth constantly intensified,as the ticking seconds painfully passed by.

A second glance from Hajirah's point of view,provided her with better access,beneficial to recognize the prey's identity.

Without warning,another punch thundered,followed by a deep groan.

''LEAVE HIM ALONE!!'',the female thoughtlessly voiced out,making her petite figure visible to the intimidating wrongdoers.

Her careless,yet,brave words resonated throughout the unoccupied halls.

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