*reaction: they get jealous*

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let me swim in those dimples:'')

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let me swim in those dimples:'')

➳you spend a lot of time with another member


✨i feel like he would be silent. he wouldn't express his jealousy. he would merely watch you from afar with another member,being extremely friendly to each other. i imagine him blaming himself. contemplating if he's truly good enough for you. he would feel like a bad boyfriend. he's very upset with you,but more with himself. 

when you became aware of how distant he was,you ran up to him and reassured him that you love him and only him,that you're so grateful for having him in your life. you would end up hugging and cuddling,while discussing about deep stuff.


✨seonghwa would definitely show his jealousy. he doesn't like hiding it. he wants everyone to know that you're his. he would be extremely jealous and upset when he noticed you being touchy with another member. he would ran up to you at that exact moment,not wasting any time to remind his member to whom did you belong. 

''excuse me that's my girl don't touch her thank you''

he would grab your arm and walk with you to his bedroom. i feel like he would be one of those guys that kisses their girl after being jealous. he would be passionate,but only because he felt his jealousy swallowing him up. he clearly showed you that he was annoyed however.

he would quickly forgive you after explaining him how much he meant for you. you kiss him back and he giggles between your kisses.


✨why can't i imagine this baby being jealous?

he absolutely loves seeing you getting along well with his members. you all mean the world to him. he would notice that you were playing a game with a member,but i imagine him ranning up to you and joining you. he loves spending time with two of his favorite things in the world. one of his members and you. he admires the fact that you managed to get close to them,seeing that you were very awkward and shy with them in the beginning. so that glowup definitely made his heart flutter.


✨he gets quiet and watches from afar. you try talking to him,but he doesn't respond. he feels kinda bad that he's not answering,but his jealousy seems more important to him at that moment. 

he glares a lot. he would maybe tear up,thinking that he's losing you or that you like another member much more than you like him. when you saw that he was acting weird,you immediately took him somewhere more private to talk to him. he would not speak at first,but after a while he says everything that he feels. he cries saying that he does not want you to prefer someone else. 

you instantly comfort him. he doesn't accept it immediately,but then he can't help but smile,because he can't be mad or annoyed at you for too long. the fight turns into a tickling session,just because you want to see his smile again. you love seeing his smile.


✨we all know that san is a soft bean. but when it comes to you...oh boy. he can get protective. 

he wouldn't hide it either. he immediately approaches you and pulls you closer to him. touching your waist,playing with your hair,resting his head on your shoulder. he does everything to gain your attention. he's always the one that manages to make you smile or laugh,so when he sees that another member managed to do that too,he is really sad. 

''why's she laughing...i should be the one that's making her laugh pfff that wasn't funny anyways''

he talks to you after that. he has mixed feelings about the whole situation. he's sad,but upset as well. nonetheless,he speaks to you very calmly. he's very close to you and after a few minutes everything is fine. you end up sleeping together and saying i love you to each other. 


✨he's angry. not just upset. everyone...i repeat...angry

i feel like he's one of those boyfriends whose disadvantage is that he can get a bit too jealous and overprotective with their girlfriends. he gets very serious and glares at you a lot. his eyes become darker,his voice gets deeper,just...wow.

just like seonghwa,he pushes you against the wall and kisses you roughly. he whispers to you that you're only his. he gets very intimate and touches you a lot.

a few minutes later he's once again the cute baby that he usually is. he kisses you softly and apologizes for being too extravagant. you share a small talk and everything's back to normal.


✨our boy gets dominant. he clearly shows you that he's annoyed. he immediately talks to you and maybe gets a bit too angry. his voice gets kinda loud. 

it's just that you mean so much to him and you don't see each other that often and seeing you playing around with another member and not him made his heart ache. he couldn't imagine you being with someone else other than him. 

i feel like he's the one that would be the most annoyed. he maybe wouldn't even talk to you for a few days,ignoring you. he's very stubborn. but,when he finally realizes that he's overreacting,he instantly calls you crying and apologizes a thousand times. 

when you meet,he hugs you tightly and showers your face with kisses,promising that he won't ever treat you that way again.


✨just like yunho,i can't imagine him caring that much. he wouldn't mind. he loves that things are not awkward between you and his members. he was very nervous at first,when you met everyone for the first time,but seeing you smiling and laughing with one of his brothers really warms his heart. 

when you finished playing a game with a member,he approaches you and takes you in his arms,smiling to himself. you're curious,because he's not usually the one that initiates skinship,but you accept it anyways and hug back.

he's thinking that he's so lucky that he found a girl who respects and cherishes his close friends. he feels complete and the luckiest boyfriend in the world.

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