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Dedicated to: demonsatanprincess

"mingi,what the hell happened to you??!"

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"mingi,what the hell happened to you??!".

my screams are deafening,echoing throughout the halls. the voice in my head however,is even louder. earsplitting. thunderous. it's telling me to keep going. to fight back this time. 

he freezes and stares at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. probably because he doesn't have the upper hand this time. he is used to controlling and playing around with me. 

i can feel everybody's gaze on us,the noisy chattering coming into a sudden halt. all of them know what kind of relationship i have with mingi and we're without a doubt included in their daily gossip. 

 i'm trying to hold my tears back,not because i'm hurt or sensitive. i'm just tired. tired of everything that he does. the judging gazes aren't helping either. my backpack feels a lot heavier on my shoulders,just like the many thoughts in my mind that i desperately want to let out,yet can't seem to find the right way to do so.

"what happened to the old mingi i knew? the sweet,the kind one?? why are you like this??! just...just fuck off already!!".

his teasing smile fades away and a deadly expression replaces it. his eyes appear darker and his lips plumper when he runs his tongue over them. the silence is deadly. i don't know that his voice can get so thick and low until he speaks. "don't you dare talk to me that way...".

he doesn't shout nor make his words distinct. that's not his purpose. he doesn't want anyone else to hear them but me. he wants to send chills all over my body,to make me feel small and worthless...just like any other time. 

and he manages it once again...

my voice is wobbly when i speak. "i just...i just want you to leave me alone". 

i can see his eyes widening and his mouth slightly agape. his gaze wanders around everyone that's been staring at us all this time,probably feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable from my sudden outburst. i don't know anyone that has spoken to him that way before. he is so used to everyone laughing along with him and his jokes,but now that they're giving me looks of sympathy and concern...what will he do?

the overwhelming sound of the bell interrupts our short play and everyone scatters away. some of them are eager to see how this whole thing will evolve,yet they're familiar with the consequences. 

his gaze doesn't leave mine and i soon realize that i'm left alone with him,being the last thing that i wanted at that moment. i'm about to leave as well,heading to my history class appearing like a wonderland in my eyes at that point,when his raucous voice halts my movements.

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