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I exhaled a sigh of relief when the bell finally rang,indicating the ending of another tiring day at school. I gathered my school supplies holding them tightly into my arms as I was making my way towards the library, a habit of mine since junior high school. I always loved reading there since everything was quiet and calm. Most students tend to study at their own homes, but I need to be fully concetrated while I'm reading. Even a tiny noise bothers me. 

When I reached my destination, I was taken aback, noticing how many people filled the place. I tried to cover up my inconvenience by quickly sprinting in the direction of an empty seat. Thankfully, nobody seems to favor that seat and the ones near it as well because of the obvious sunlight hitting the surface of the desk. My unsociable ass though didn't appear to mind.

I opened my textbook and I started doing my homework. Our teachers have been extremely strict lately, filling us up with loads of it. As I was reading biology for an upcoming test, my furrowed eyebrows evident from miles apart while trying to comprehend it , I was surprised when I felt another presence next to me. I was more shocked when I felt that person sitting beside me, confusion overtaking my whole face realizing that he chose this particular seat even though there were so many available ones around me. I looked up only to come face to face with Yunho, one of the most popular kids in my school. Literally everyone liked him. He was so gentle, sweet, kind, handsome and bloody huge. He slightly smiled when we made eye contact and I smiled back. I fangirled inside but tried not to show it. I returned my attention back to my book so I could finish quickly.

*time skip whooooooooooooop*

It's been almost 2 hours since I started and I finally managed to finish for the day. It was afternoon, my favourite time of the day, the sun turning into a beautiful orange color that I loved admiring since I was a kid. I was so focused on my studying that I didn't become fully aware of the fact that Yunho was still there. I could tell from his face that he was struggling. We were in the same biology class and I noticed that he was studying for the test as well. He was moderately whispering to himself  the words written in the textbook while making a pouty face. He was extremely cute, I just wanted to hug and comfort him all day. I suppose I was looking at him for a fair amount of time, because he suddenly turned his head over me, that huge smile never leaving his face.

''I'm sorry do you need anything?'', he lightly whispered.

''O-oh no no sorry I just observed that you were going through a difficult time while reading...I just wondered if you needed any help. I'm glad to provide you with anything that I know''.

He looked astonished for a second, but that expression was quickly replaced with his beautiful smile: ''Oh my god, thank you. The truth is I could use some help. I'm kinda weak at biology hehe~'', he said while rubbing his neck sheepishly. A thin layer of blush making its way through his cheeks.

''Ahh it's okay. Nobody is perfect at everything. It's actually quite easy when you get used to it. Just follow my lead, hear me out and be fully concetrated in the things that I'm about to say'', I said, hoping to make him feel a bit more less anxious.

''Okay y/n, got it''. 

I was surpised when my name was heard coming out of his mouth. We never communicated that much, just greeting each other with good mornings and stuff. On the other hand, he obviously knows my name since it's being called out by the teachers a lot during the biology class. But for some reason,when he said it, it echoed like a beautiful melody into my ears. He made it sound like it was the best name in the world. So delicate and smooth. I slapped away these thoughts when I perceived what I was thinking about. I just couldn't help myself.

I rapidly gathered my reflections and started teaching Yunho. I tried my best to explain everything in the easiest way as possible. I also made an attempt not to make any mistakes so I won't convey any false information while trying to achieve the continuous use of a decent vocabulary so I won't make a fool out of myself in front of this handsome man.

I was touched seeing that his attitude towards my teaching was very sweet. He kept on nodding his head eagerly to almost everything I said. He was asking me everything he didn't understand, confirming that he was actually listening. I was dying from his cuteness. He definitely was different. Our shoulders were slightly making contact and his head was leaned over to me so that he can hear my whispering voice better. My heart was beating so fast. 

I streched after an almost 3-hour lesson with Yunho. He realized and swiftly apologized to me.

''Ahh I'm so sorry. You must be tired. Did I exhaust you?'', he uttered,with an expression written on his face that seemed genuinely worried. I could tell that he was weary as well by his nearly non-audible voice.'' No please don't apologize it's fine, I'm glad to help''.

He smiled and turned his attention to his watch.''It's getting late,maybe we should stop now'',he said.

''Oh okay,whatever you want''. We got up from our seats,picked up our supplies and headed towards the exit. He softly opened the door for me gesturing me to go first.I thanked him and slowly made my way outside. It was dark, which confused me,trying to understand how many hours I was there.

''Is your house far from here?'',I hear Yunho say,interrupting my thoughts.

''No, actually it's just a 5 minute walk'',I said while anticipating his next words.

''Great then. Let me accompany you. It's so late I don't want to leave you alone. Maybe this will show you how grateful I am for tonight'',he smiled while casually walking.

I blushed and said that it's nothing. We smiled at each other. Seriously I could talk all day about his smile. It was just so....real.

We were moving towards my house side by side.I felt so safe and comforted just by his presence. We weren't talking but it was not awkward and I could tell he was relaxed as well by his body language. Our hands were soflty making contact while we were walking,making me want to hold it so badly. I preferred not to initiate anything though,not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable and it was also possible that he didn't want to. Although, I didn't see him removing his hand from where it was. He kept it there, next to mine. I steadily turned my head to see him softly smiling to himself. I quickly stopped looking at him though and thankfully he didn't notice.

I was quite saddened when we arrived at my place,desiring to stay with him. He stopped to look at me. ''Thank you so much for today.I really don't know what I would do without you. Everything was a blur in my head before you came''.

''Your welcome but we didn't manage to finish the last chapter, which is the most important one. What are you going to do?'', I worriedly asked.

''Well...I was thinking if you perhaps wanted to meet up tomorrow so we could finish it. I could come get you from your house, then we could grab something to eat and finally head for the library'',he suggested smiling.

My heart fluttered and a huge smile spread across my face.''I would love to''.

''Ahh great that makes us library buddies:D'', he said chuckling.

He was soooo cute.''Hehe yeah it does. Well...that's it I suppose. Goodnight Yunho,see you tomorrow'', I said while I offered my hand for him to shake it.

He instead hugged my whole body, bringing it extremely close to his.''Goodnight y/n'',he whispered in my ear.

I quickly hugged him back not wanting to miss this once in a lifetime chance.His strong,but delicate,cologne making the whole situation 10 times better. We seperated smiling to each other, saying our goodbyes again. I was so excited to see him again tomorrow. This...will definitely lead to something.

ughhh hope you guys liked it. It took me a while. Dedicated to ma gurl potato_gurl00

Next imagine:Wooyoung

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