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Member: Seonghwa

Name: y/n

Genre: Angst

warning: this imagine contains scenes that may be harsh for some. 

guys please request i'm running out of ideas:(

''seonghwa...put the knife down''.

''shh, shh''. the male wiped her tears away and pressed a kiss on her forehead. ''don't talk, you're only making things worse for yourself''.

he lifted his hand to caress her damp cheek,only to be met with the female shakily pulling away. he didn't expect that kind of reaction,his eyes widening in pure shock.

yes...he wanted to hurt her. more than anything else. but,the hate that was painting her eyes was way much worse than he had imagined.

''y/ don't have to be afraid. are you scared of me?''. a trembling sigh escaped from her lips,as she averted her eyes to the knife that he was holding. the blood that was covering it gave her body further goosebumps,even though the incident had happened hours ago.

realizing what she was trying to say through her piercing gaze,the male looked down at the knife,almost in disbelief.

''n-no y/n''. he promptly shook his head,trembling from his actions. ''it's me...s-seonghwa''. she couldn't stand watching him smile that way,filled with pain and self-distrust. he became serious again. ''I would never hurt you''.

the female didn't know what to say. even if she had found the proper words, she wouldn't have dared to utter a word. 'he's crazy', she thought to herself.

the male began to get impatient at her behavior,grabbing a firm hold of her shivering shoulders. ''I'm merely protecting you y/n. do you understand me?''.

she was terrified. his gaze felt as though it was piercing her heart, though it was pierced already. ''you killed him...'', she managed to whisper through her gritted teeth,her watering eyes making their reappearance. she had to stay strong, however. she was not seonghwa's toy, neither someone who would tolerate this kind of demeanor. 'he's crazy'.

he chuckled in disbelief, rolling his eyes. ''no y/n...'', his serious eyes didn't leave hers. ''...we did it''.

she didn't want to believe him. no. she did nothing. ''you're crazy're a crazy man'', she finally voiced out with her trembling lips.

''our love for each other is so strong y/n...'', he continued, not paying attention at her words. ''...we're so strong together. people love us''. he tightened his grip around her shoulders, earning a whimper from the weak female.

''they loved something that didn't even exist'', she replied sternly.

she began to remember their past together. how many things they've been through together. how they used to be so happy with each other. how everything seemed so bright for them.

but no. life isn't always a person's friend. especially if we're referring to a celebrity's life. uncountable cameras and eyes filled with criticism will follow you around. interviews that merely want to rip off your deepest secrets from your mouth. tiring concerts filling up your daily schedule. and that's how y/n's daily life has been for the past 5 years now.

she admits to choosing that kind of lifestyle. but, she loved music. she was passionate about it. she gave up many things that meant so much to her. her fans, her true fans to be exact, were, sometimes, her only motivation.

after falling in love with her makeup artist, park seonghwa, she felt that maybe things won't be so bad. he brightened up her life. she gave her a daily feeling of hope, that she hadn't sensed for a while now.

her fans went crazy. some supporting their relationship and some of them were merely giving up on her, stating that she's being selfish and that she doesn't care about her fanbase. the majority of the males were certainly jealous of seonghwa's handsomeness.

although everything seemed so dazzling at the beginning, that sparkle didn't last long and eventually faded away. seonghwa's jealousy was too much to handle. it made y/n frustrated and agitated, even though she needed to be strong and calm for her so busy schedule.

seonghwa didn't respect that. he was extremely possessive and selfish, two traits which were ultimately the cause behind their breakup.

the media and the public went crazy. they were one of the hottest couples in Hollywood, despite the hate that they sometimes received.

the flame intensified furthermore when y/n found a new boyfriend, not long after her breakup with seonghwa. it seemed like the public preferred him over seonghwa, stating that he was much kinder and tender to her. their relationship turned out to be more calm and stable, giving y/n immediate access to a healthy environment to work in.

that was when seonghwa broke down. he couldn't bear it any longer. seeing their pictures everywhere on the internet was too much.but things had gone way too far.

'who is he to surpass me?'

'i was better for y/n'

'the fans love me, not him'

these thoughts have been conquering his mind ever since. his selfishness blinded him. he wasn't thinking right. maybe it was those daily comments of his friends, continually asking him if he was okay with this whole situation. maybe it was the pitiful stares that he received on the streets.

he didn't know. the only thing he knew was that y/n was his. nobody else's. the only thing he knew well was that amazing feeling that conquered his body the moment he smelled his blood. the moment he saw it dripping on the floor. or his screams... yes...maybe his screams and his pleading words, which traveled like music to his ears.

and now that he was gone...she was next.

''I'm afraid that I don't like your manners miss y/n...'', he whispered, sarcasm painting his voice, making it drop a few octaves lower. ''... I feel like you finally need to be taught a lesson...don't you think??''. he gripped her hair, making her scream on the top of her lungs.

the female could do nothing but mutter curse words, the tears spilling from her eyes like a waterfall making it much harder than it should be.

seonghwa began playing with the knife, twisting it around his fingers.

''look at you...maybe you do match with your boyfriend. he looked exactly like that before I killed him''. y/n glared at him with hate and disbelief. she felt as though she was looking at a whole different human being.

''would you like me to show you?''.

she felt her tears choking her, her heart burning. she felt weak. she couldn't fight back.

''Firstly, I stabbed right...'', he placed the knife in front of her stomach. ''''. twisting it inside her stomach, blood flying everywhere and so did her hoarse screams. desperately hitting his shoulders, the only way she could tell him to stop. the male seemed unbothered and continued his little game.

''yes! that's what he did as well!!'', he laughed hysterically.


''Babe, you're doing an amazing job at impersonating him. I'm not even telling you what to do. let's see if you can do the final part. it's the easiest one''.

seonghwa slowly and painfully pulled the knife out of her stomach making her wince. he looked at her blood on the knife with excitement, before slicing her throat wide open. an animal-like sound escaped from the female's lips, the deep cut taking away her last breath.

''good job y/n!''. he began clapping and screaming cheerings at her.

he slowly approached her pale body,closing her eyes with his blood-soaked hand.

''goodnight park y/n...''.



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