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Member: Seonghwa

Name: Helly

Genre: Angst/Fluff(mostly)

Dedicated to: eternalnamjoon (I apologize for taking so long>3)

Next Imagine: Wooyoung

Feel free to request anything you want,just message me or comment anywhere hehe;)

I felt my trembling hands clutching stronger onto the object that would determine if my continual attempts turned out to be completely profitless or not. A particular part of it was being covered by my small hand...too scared to reveal the answer to myself. My expectancy permitted my nervousness to subside,allowing it to be overclouded with a hint of hope as well. 

The same,old feeling gained access to my body....disenchanted that I gave it the consent to reenter once again. 

You know...back in high school I used to detest mathematics. I was extremely weak and didn't have any interest in them. It's not that I didn't use to study. I simply didn't even want to catch a glimpse of a basic equation or a symbol. 

Whereas,in this case,I desired a specific symbol to be shown on the area that was being roofed by my now,sweaty hand. In addition,I'm not sure how the person,who is expecting to hear the answer too,since he's definitely involved,is going to react if it's not a positive one this time.

Gripping it harder around my hands,afraid it's going to slip any moment now from how tremulous and sweaty they were,I came to the conclusion that it was time. It doesn't matter how many times I've already been in this exact same situation before. I had to be strong. It was important....important for both of us. I deserved to know....and he did too.

My thumb began to slowly uncover the truth,which I had to accept either way. I slowly,but surely,looked down. I opened my eyes. They flickered with surprise because of the sight that I was met with....

2 years ago

I didn't know how to react when I saw the dissapointment in his eyes..once again. He loved me..But he was tired. Tired of the same thing. Tired of no matter how much we tried...we still gained nothing.

The stifling silence hanging in every single corner of the room wasn't making the situation any better. None of us knew what to say. Even if we did know,it would just be a repetition of the last time...and the time before that...

Seonghwa fiddled with the ornament that was resting on his ring finger. The ornament that united us...that made our bond stronger than it already was....the ornament which held the promise that we made to each other almost 5 years ago. To some,it was just a simple jewel. Not to us.

He emitted a long sigh of wearisomeness. I felt guilt flowing all over my body. He didn't deserve this. He deserved someone better. Someone that would be able to fulfill his ambition of falling in love with someone and spending the rest of his life with them. I could give him that. I was in love with him.

But it doesn't simply end there to some people. It doesn't end there for him and me either. We wanted more than that. We were,of course,more than happy with each other. Nevertheless,the existence of a specific human being would complete our marriage. That's how we both felt.

''P-please say something....anything'',I managed to mumble.

His head hung tiredly while examining the concrete floor. It was more interesting to him at that moment. He wasn't able to look at the woman he loved. The woman,who has received the whole world from him but she,nonetheless,couldn't reward him with the one thing that he has ever asked from her. 

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