Ain't My Fault H Y.J

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Genre:Angst & Fluff

"Im a regular highschool student  and new here in (Your highschool) or so I thought.

"Im currently walking towards the gate of our school.

"The students here are looking at me and gossiping which made me uncomfortable.

"But my best friend Yujin came in  my sight to make me comfortable.

"Eyy Ms. Beutiful your kinda popular here now.

Yujin said while walking beside me.

"No im not im just a regular student you know with high grades and im not Beutiful.

I told her with serious tone.

"Ok ok fine i get it but before we go in im going to give you a warning ok.

She said.

"Hmm? ok then but why?

I asked.

"Just listen.

She said to me

"There are bullies here in this school and you have to stay away from them.

She said looking at me.

"Umm ok then Ms. Ahn i will stay away from them.

I said walking towards the faculty.

"I entered the faculty and the first this i saw is 5 Girls with messy uniform,messy hair and beaten up face.

"I stared at them and they stared back,But i can sense that they are really angry so thats why i looked away.

"Ohh you must be the new student.

The teacher asked.

"Nea i am.

"Im Mr.Im im your homeroom teacher.

Mr Im said.

"Its nice to meet you Mr.Im

I said and bowed.


"We talked about somethings and now im outside our classroom and im really nervous of whats going to happend next.

"So we have a new student here so get it together ok,go in now.

Mr.Im said.

"I entered the classroom and saw others gossiping around me.

"And i saw one of the girls that was in the faculty with me the one whose face was beaten up but she wasnt paying attention towards me so i just shrugged it off.

"Hello everyone im Y/N and im your new classmate i hope we get along.

I said and finally she payed attention to me.

"Ok no Y/N and sit right next to Yeji the girl near the window,Yeji rise your hand.

"The girl didnt rise her hand and just stared at me so i just walked towards her table.

"Hello Yeji im Y/N.

I greeted her and offered out my hand.

"But she didnt shook it,I jusy sighed and seat down next to her and soon the lecture started.

"It was now lunch and i dint have the appetite to eat so i just layed my head down and lated on i dozed off and fell asleep.

****Yeji's P.O.V****

"It was now lunch time and i quickly stand up and excited the door but before that i looked back making my eyes land on a dozing off bunny.

"I guess she is tired but she has to eat lunch she will get stomach ache,But wait yeji dont you dont know her.

I mumbled.

"But still why would you care about her aish but still just this once you have to be kind yeji.

I mumbled and scratch my nape.

"I walked towards the cafeteria and opened the door and asusual they stayed quiet when i entered.

"I skipped the line and just casually baught bread and milk for her and the students started to mumble things again.

"Why is she buying bread when she can just eat rice.

"Why is she buying bread and milk does she like someone.

the students said.

"Whats wrong to like someone?

I mumbled and excited the cafeteria.

"I walked to wards our classroom and i can still see her sleeping.

"I sit down beside her and just stared at her face.

"How can you be this beautiful?

I mumbled.

"As i was starring at her,Her tummy stared to rumble and after that she suddenly woke up.

"Our faces are inches apart and i looked away.

"Huh? yeji what are you doing here in lunch time.

She asked.

"I should be asking you that.

I said.

"Uhmm I dont have my appetite.

She said.

"But your tummy rumbled while you are in dreamland.

I said.

"Uhhmm but why do you have a bruise?

She said.

"No i dont it not a bruise its a award.

I said.

"How come its an award.

"If you have a bruise think of it as a reward a reward that means you surpassed your challenge.

I said looking outside.

"And here eat it.

I said.

"Really how about you have you eaten?

she asked.

"Uhmm no but im f-

"No lets share then ok.

She said.

"We ate the bread and i took a sip of the milk,She looked at me and laughed.

"She then got closer took a peck on my lips.

"Yah!! what was that for?

I yelled.

"Well it ain't my fault because your too cute yeji.

She said.

"But its not fair!!

I said.

"What's unfair?

She asked.

"The  i got closer to her and our lips collided and after that she looked shocked.

"What what was that?!?

She yelled at me.

"It ain't my fault you didnt finished what you started.

I said and we just laughed.

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