The Japanese Girl M S.K.R

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The Japanese Girl got my eyes Glued on her. Tell me how to stop it.


Another day and another day to make saku chan mine.

Oh forgot to introduce myself Im Cha Y/n mostly known as the badgirl but when the Japanese girl came, I changed.

My eyes glued on her literally! But she heard those crazy rumors and now she doesn't want to be friends with me but I'll keep trying.

I'm now walking to school with my friends while messing around with each other. I saw a flower shop so I decided to buy a rose.

We then proceeded walking and now were in school. "Hey what's that rose for?"Yujin asked.

"For sakura."I said as yena pushed me lightly. I looked at my friends as they are still joking around.

"I can't believe that Japanese Girl changed you."Hyewon said. "Yeah me to."I said.

"Back then your uniform is messy and your bag is you know, empty,but now filled with books."Yujin said.

"And did you know the time where she always got low grades but when sakura joined the class she started reciting and bow she is on the top tier."Yena said.

"Well it's good to change."I said as I make my way to the front door of the school.

I entered it and saw sakura chatting with her friends. I walked towards her with a smiling face.

"Good morning saku-chan."I said as her Japanese friends look at me."Get lost Cha she doesn't like you."Nako said as she tried to push me away.

"Well you know that I like you're friend a lot and even if you keep saying that this is just a bet then your wrong then."I said proudly.

"But still that doesn't mean that you changed."Hitomi said."Well I'm already proving myself to you."I said.

"I changed my outfit, I started reciting and I have now good grades and in the top tier this semester."I said as I enumerate all the things that I achieve.

"And finally this is for you saku-chan."I said as I gave her a red rose.

"O-Oh thank you Y/n-chan."Sakura said as she bowed slightly.

Then our conversation was cutted by chaeyeon, The schools most talented student. She has the vocals,dance and even the brains and looks.

I know that chaeyeon also likes her but I don't know is Sakura likes her.

"Hello babe."Chaeyeon said as she hugged sakura. B-Baeb?!

Sakura returned the hug as she then broke it and looked at me.

"As you can see cha, Sakura is already taken and you can stop courting her now cause she's mine."Chaeyeon said as she walked off with sakura.

Sakura gave me a weak smile as my eyes are getting teary. I saw sakura walk off with chaeyeon the chaeyeon grabbed Sakura's flower that I gave her and threw it on the trash can.

I ran off leaving my friends behind. I ran off around the city as I can feel my lungs squeezing.

My legs started to stop working, My legs finally gave out as I the fainted.

"Sakura...why did you make me believe that I still have a c-chance."I mumbled as my vision then gets black.


I woke up in an unfamiliar room but familiar at the same time, I looked around as I saw none. I tried to stand up but my legs can't move.

"Why, Can't, You, Move, You, Piece, Of, Shit."I said as I punched my legs for it to work.

I gave up as I already used my remaining energy. The door opened revealing my ex Eunbi.

"Oh you're awake."Eunbi said as she bring me a bowl of soup. She helped me sit the tried to feed me.

"I'm not hungry."I said in a cold voice."You have to eat please Y/n."Eunbi said as she tried to feed me one more time.

I threw the soup away as tears started to escape my eyes. Eunbi looked so shocked as she looked at me.

"W-why did you threw it?"Eunbi said stuttering. "Why!! Why dis you came back!!"I shouted.

"Why did you came back the wrong time Eunbi why?!? You left me back then being cold and ignorant but now you're being nice?!?! what kind of dumb shit is this?? I then fell in love with a girl I can't have being broken inside. Its felt like the pain you caused me back then it strated again. I fell in love with a Japanese girl I courted her for 9 months but then she already had a girlfriend."I said crying my heart out as Eunbi tried to comfort me.

I stared at Eunbi's eyes and now I can't control my self. I leaned in as I kissed her slowly. She immediately returned it and now she is sitting on my lap. I bit her lip asking for entrance and she accepted it.

I then started to lift her shirt off but then I realized it's wrong. I pulled away as I looked down.

"Why? Why did you stop."Eunbi said. "I-I don't know."I said.

"I can help you move on. We can be together again so that you can forget that Japanese girl."Eunbi said as she wrap her arms around me.

"Ok then let's get back together."I said without even thinking.


a week has passed as me and eunbi are getting well together. And now today is the day I get back to school.

I haven't been to school since that happened and now eunbi has transferred to my school.

I picked her up as I used my Motor bike. I haven't used this in a while, since the day I changed for sakura to like me.

We arrived to school as the gossiping started.

Is that Eunbi?

Did they get back?

Oh they looked good together.

Look! Y/n's Motor bike is back, the old Y/n is back.

They all said that as I stopped at the parking area. I helped Eunbi out and now we are walking.

I saw my friends talking so I called them."Hey Hyewon,Yena,Yujin!"I shouted making there attention towards me.

"Oh god Y/n your back!"They said. They looked at Eunbi as the looked at me.

"Care to explain?"Yujin said as she know all of the troubles I've been through since the day Eunbi left me.

"We are back together."I said as I hugged Eunbi. "Your choice Y/n Your choice."Yena said in disbelief.

We then proceeded to our own classes.


Its now lunch time as me and the crew sit at our table and eat. The door opened revealing. Sakura and the J crew.

She walked towards chaeyeon and slapped her. luckily our table is just near chaeyeons table so We can hear it.

"You cheated on me!"Sakura shouted."Look Sakura, Yeji is much better kisser than you."Chaeyeon said as sakura slapped her again then ran out of the cafeteria.

I looked at Eunbi as she saw me in worried eyes."You still love her don't you?"Eunbi said as I nod.

"Ok go after her."Eunbi said as I mouthed sorry. I ran around the school but couldn't find her.

I heard faint cries in the music room, I opened it and saw sakura crying while curled up.

"Sakura."I said as I walked towards her and pat her head. She sat beside me and hugged.

"I should've picked you, I was so wrong about chaeyeon. I thought she could make me happy but when you stopped giving me gifts every morning it makes me sad. When you ran off I wanted to go after you but chaeyeon stopped me. I want you back Y/n, Please give me a chance."Sakura said while burying herself in my chest.

"It's fine sakura my feelimgs didn't fade. Even if I wanted to it didn't, I want you as well sakura."I said as I hugged her.

How I love that Japanese Girl.

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