Hamster J Y.R

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"Im Shin Y/N and im an animal lover I really love animals and today im going to adopt a new hamster.

"Im in a local pet store and I can see kids playing with some dogs and to be honest im a hamster lover I love hamster and im going to adopt a hamster today.

"I looked at the Hamster section and one Hamster caught my eyes.

"Its color is Light brown and has a dark brown stripes at the back.

"I immediately fell inlove with it and im gonna buy it.

"Hello can you assist me at this hamster.

I said to the employee and pointed at the Hamster.

"Oh sure.

Employee said.

"The employee grabbed the hamster and handed to me it was shy and at first it's not moving but it suddenly smelled my hand.

"I smiled at it and bought something's it might need.

"I purchased it and Drove on my house with a big smile splatter on my face.

"I think I'm gonna call you Joyul.

I said smiling.


"Its been a while since I bought Joyul and I cant live without joyul like really.

"Everytime I'm stressed she is always there and she always makes me happy.

"I woke up in the middle of the night with a loud thud coming from the kitchen.

"I quickly go down and I saw a huge mess in the living room.

"I ran up to the kitchen and I saw a girl holding ramen in her hands and not..COOKED!?!?

"I ran up to her and grabbed the uncooked ramen in her hands and asked her who is she.

"Who are you Miss?

I asked.

"Im joyul.

She said.

"Wait j..joyul??

"Yes joyul.

"Your my hamster?!?!

I shouted.

"Yes Y/N i am Joyul your one and only Hamster I never thought you'd be this Beautiful and cute at tge same time Y/N.

She said smiling.

"W-wait can you explain whats happening.

I asked.

"Ok so when I was 5 I got cursed well not only me but my whole family got cursed,I dont know exactly why my family got cursed but thats why im an hamster and the only way I can get to be a human again is when you loved me. For the first time in my life I felt love and thank you for adopting me.

She said crying.

"Oh dont cry joyul dont cry Im actually happy that your a human and eat ramen without cooking it ok I'll cook you ramen but firat go get some clothes on.

I said and she nodded.

"After awhile I finished cooking ramen for her and I saw her going downstairs and she was shinning.

"She sat infront of me and started eating her ramen while I just stare at her.

"Dont stare Y/N i might melt.

She said and I looked away.

"After she finished eating I washes the dishes and I saw her already laying in my bed sleeping.

"I closed the lights and layed quietly beside her and looked at her face.

"I kissed her forehead and.

"Thank you for being my pet Joyul and thank you for being a Human again.

I said and drifted of to dream land.

*Ok so guys its our Joyuls BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! she is now 18(Real age) but please love our joyul more she deserves better and wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!*

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